Wish they had Teela planned, too. That way if it ended with four statues they'd be balanced out.
If they go Beast Man or Man-at-Arms as the fourth, I think they'll get more interest as a He-Man line.Those two appeal to me so much more than Teela or Sorceress.
Stinkor or bust for me. [emoji40]
Loved Stinkor, I would buy Stinkor in a heartbeat if he were made, him and Mosquitor.
They would look fantastic in this realistic/modern style.
Not sure if this was posted earlier, but it was at least added to the He-Man statue order page. Looks like Skeletor was lightened up a bit but still looks great side by side with He-Man!
So much coming out, I'm still on the fence with this line. I love them and think they're gorgeous, but I'm just not sure about which way to angle my collection moving forward. Decisions, decisions!
I went back and looked at the Skeletor that was at Comic Con and it doesn't appear that they lightened him up, on the contrary they darkened him and made him more of purple/blue than a lighter purple that he was at comic con. They also made his cape lining purple. At comic con his cape had a blue lining. In a sense they inverted the cape and skin colors. I personally like this newer color scheme a lot better. Google a pic from comic con to compare. I'm curious if people like this newer color scheme.
He is definitely blue/purple now as before he was black/darker here is my video from ComicCon! I really like him with the tint of blue/purple better-must buy for sure! As for the cape I don't see much difference perhaps a little more lighter purple lining?? It's hard to see it in the video.
Sideshow Collectibles HeMan and Skeletor at San Diego ComicCon 2015 - YouTube
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He is definitely blue/purple now as before he was black/darker here is my video from ComicCon! I really like him with the tint of blue/purple better-must buy for sure!
Sideshow Collectibles HeMan and Skeletor at San Diego ComicCon 2015 - YouTube
Agreed. He looks fantastic. This is a must buy in my book. Bringing the blue skin tone back just makes me think of the cartoon Skeletor and thats what this is all about right? Those awesome memories of being younger watching these characters!? I really want this masters line to continue past Evil-Lyn. Any word on if Skeletor is going to have an exclusive? I had not seen any mention of that. I love the He-Man exclusive and will display him with the battle axe for sure.