After their court of the dead success, I wouldn't put it past them to try something like that! Though I think they'd just continue it with characters from the Court of the Dead's more horror based now, but definitely has aspects of fantasy in it. I'd actually like to see some more of that!
As for the fan base automatically hating it, I think it's all a matter of perspective. Some will like it, others won't. I LOVED He-Man growing up in the '80s! Loved it! I watched some of the old cartoons a couple of years ago and they're TERRIBLE! They don't hold up on any level at all. People say that remakes of movies are destroying their childhood...maybe they should go back and revisit some episodes and they'd realize that the actual show does a good enough job doing that itself!

Same with the old Ninja Turtles cartoon, just brutal. The Nickelodeon one that's on right now is 100x better! Just fantastic. I'll always have nostalgia, but those '80s versions are best left in the past for me, personally!
On the ES front, edition sizes don't just land at 10,000 per statue like it seems people automatically think...Machiko has an EX that's 400, and her Reg. version is 1000. That's a pretty small edition size. I don't see He-Man going much higher than that, and that's in and around where a lot of there statues hit as well.