Yeah, the cape can be futzed, everything else looks fine
Just noticed Evil-Lyn EX is now on waitlist.
Meh. Dont care. That bird is a terrible exclusive. At this point with a flooded market, the ex better be good, or people can just get a reg down the line on the secondary market for less than retail.
Damn! Got email from sideshow saying they didn't get full shipment of skeletor exclusive but didn't give new arrival date. So seems some might get it before end of the year and some won't. Shame.
My Skeletor EX is shipping on Monday or Tuesday and I got on the wait list about 1 month ago
Well that kind of sucks since I preordered well before it got wait listed.....
There doesn't seem to be any rhyme nor reason to it. Didn't you order your He-Man then receive a few days after ordering? I pre-ordered He-Man 10 months earlier and received it about three weeks after you. Names picked out of a hat, perhaps!
Yeah, I did order he-man just after i saw that it was shipping, and got it quick. It definitely seems to be random for sure, with some preference for those that pay in full instead of flexpay.