Don´t you think that base of she-ra is very different from the other 3? so dark vs so shinny...
Do you think that they gonna release Tee-la? i have an idea to put the 4 (if tee-la released) with the premium art on the background.
Don´t you think that base of she-ra is very different from the other 3? so dark vs so shinny...
Do you think that they gonna release Tee-la? i have an idea to put the 4 (if tee-la released) with the premium art on the background.
I feel some aspects of her design is at odds with her more aggressive 'realistic look'. The body and face is that of a warrior woman but then those boots scream high fashion almost platform stripper type shoes...which is not at all what a warrior woman should wear in my opinion.
The more I look at this the more I am puzzled by the design choices.
I like most of it but I'm struggling with the country and western boots. I prefer Sideshow's realistic look to the filmation statues, but in this case I wish she'd borrow the filmation boots!
Don´t you think that base of she-ra is very different from the other 3? so dark vs so shinny...
Anyone else pissed they missed the boat with the exclusive Skeletor with both heads/skulls?
I wanted to pull the trigger but the exclusive is sold out and the collectors edition is available with the single head. This is the deal breaker for me as I liked the original nostalgia cartoon skull over the new one.
What is the solution?
That is interesting. I prefer the more classic look way more.