No he did not.
well at least strongly hinted at as being part of the line up
No he did not.
When I was trying to get the discount, I did have one try where nothing popped up even after 20 minutes. I thought that couldn't be right since others were saying they waited at most 5 minutes. So I closed my browser, opened another one and redid the steps. The discount popped up on the next try.
Don't know what else to tell you, but try again. If nothing pops up ...keep trying. At least try 3 times.
Personally Im passing on Evil-Lyn...she looks great but I'm not a female staue collector.I have already pre-ordered He-man and Skeletor but have yet to pull the trigger on Evil-Lyn.
Does anybody have an idea (or educated guess), given that a further statue is being sculpted and two others are being designed, as to when we can expect them to be released?
The only reason I have not pre-ordered Evil-Lyn is that I really don't think I could buy any more this year (after her) and if more are released requiring payment in 2016 then I would rather just stick at the two statues.
Good to hear. The LOTR (as well as GI Joe) section has been quiet...all the old guard hardly post anymore.
Ah, the good 'ol days.
You'll be back to post Comic Con pics though, right?
Any word on if anything new will be shown at SDCC? They are promoting the He-man figure as a pre-order in the current email newsletter that I just got. I got a great discount on Skeletor from trolling around the website a while back. Has anyone gotten something to pop up on He-man?