This is my ongoing tally from another forum...
Day 1 -- June 25. Hawkeye PF (yes, EX)
Day 2 -- June 26. C3P0 & R2D2 (yes, EX)
Day 3 -- June 27. Iron Man MK VII 1:1 bust (no)
Day 4 -- June 28. AvP Wolf Predator Statue (no)/Hot Toys Amazing Spiderman (no... for now)
Day 5 -- June 29. Star Wars 1:6 Bossk (yes, changed my mind)
Day 6 -- June 30. The Reaper LSF (no)
Day 7 -- July 1. Scarlet Witch PF (yes, EX)
Day 8 -- July 2. Superman 1:1 (no) Clone Commander Fox 1:6 (no)
Day 9 -- July 3. Duke Nukem Forever (um... no) HT Captain America Rescue (not right now)
Day 10 -- July 4. Cantina Band Tech Mo'R & Doikk Na'ts 1/6 Figures (yes, changed my mind)
Day 11 -- July 5. Red Skull 1:1 (no)
Day 12 -- July 6. Poison Ivy PR (yes)/HT Batman TDKR (yes)
Day 13 -- July 7. Jango Fett 1:1 (no)/ LotR Twilight Witch King (no)
Day 14 -- July 8. 1:6 Star Wars Snowtrooper (no for now)/ Heavy Repeating Blaster (no for now--these will be cheaper)
Day 15 -- July 9. Galactus comiquette (yes)/Predator 2 LSB (no)
Day 16 -- July 10. Batman PF (yes EX)/ SubZero 1:1 bust (no)
Day 17 -- July 11.
Day 18 -- July 12.
Day 19 -- July 13.
Day 20 -- July 14.
Day 21 -- July 15.