I did another video that shows how the lights work and just goes over some more of the little details on the ship:
Hey Guru I have a question for you. Does your little remote sometimes take multiple clicks to get the Serenity lights to respond?
When we first got the ship, it responded to every single click on the remote. One click was all I needed, and I didn't even have to put the antenna up. Last night, while the video above was uploading to youtube, I decided to just stare at Serenity. So I plugged it into the wall, and clicked "on" for button 1. Nothing happened. I clicked a second time, still nothing, but the third click worked. Buttons 2, 3, and 4 worked on the first click, so I thought it was just a glitch. So then I clicked "off" on button 4. The lights didn't switch off. At that point none of the buttons would switch off any of the lights. After a few clicks, they all started working again.
Every click of the button turns on the little red light on the remote, so the remote at least thinks it's sending a signal. I replaced the battery in the remote and it didn't change the behavior.
It has trouble turning lights both on and off, so I don't think it is a power issue. I only plug Serenity into the wall outlet when I'm using it, then I unplug it again.
Everything is working, it just sometimes takes 3-4 clicks for the ship to respond. Have you seen this happen with your ship? It just seems weird to me that this suddenly started 2 days after I got the ship.