Having re-worked the lenses on my sideshow snowtrooper, I can say that its not bad at all for the times. Definitely keeping my po on the Snowtrooper commander
Same here. Gonna wait for the first in hand pics to decide. Right now, i'm leaning toward a pass and wait for the inevitable HT release in a few years.
Well, as proven in the past, a HT prototype doesn't necessarily mean we'll ever see production of any given piece. yet, in that specific situation, i'd be very surprised if HT were to abandon the project. We have evidence this piece is well into development and i believe HT won't resist putting out such an easy retool on the market in the near future.
Tie Pilot and Bounty Hunters are a whole other story as we have yet to see anything transpire on that front. Then again, Tie Pilots sound like a given at some point knowing HT passion for faceless troopers.
Same here. Gonna wait for the first in hand pics to decide. Right now, i'm leaning toward a pass and wait for the inevitable HT release in a few years.
I certainly dig everyone’s opinion and right to buy whatever they want, but not supporting SS is not gonna make Hot Toys dig any further with the line. And after the deep discounts on TFA troopers, I’d bet dollars to doughnuts they stay skittish on producing swarms of troopers especially those with questionable screen time recognition. Not soapboxing for SS, just saying if they get it right, support em. If you’re HT only, that’s cool too, but SS has been decreasing their 1/6th lines and if they quit Star Wars for lack of interest, our market choices will be slim and HT is not a super reliable provider for 1/6th SW not in so far as character depth.
I have two ssc snow troopers and this on order. Are the hototys snowtroopers better? Yes they are. Are they so much better that the ssc ones are rubbish? No.
Would the hot toys snowtrooper commander be better? Again yes. But it ain’t here and may not be coming.
Hot toys are great and the detail of their product is just that bit better and that can make all the difference but ssc have made some great stuff and some less than great stuff. And I was here at the beginning. With Luke and anakin Look back at them and weep - although they were £30 !
I still feel like a massive newbie here but looking at how SSC used to be and comparing those to HT I an see why such a huge gap in quality would result in an equally large jump in price, but my Luke Snowspeeder is as good as any HT figure I have. The TIE Pilot and AT-AT Driver both work really well for me and don't seem to be any less accurate than HT's figures to my eyes. Maybe the armoured and helmeted figures are better for SSC if they have issues with facial sculpting.
I think I'll wait until the first in-hand pictures appear and then look at using $50 in RP for this one.
Iv'e been in t his hobby since 2005, SS Luke Jedi being my first "non hasbro" 12" figure. 240 figures later and it's easy to see the quality improvements. You look back at HT and a lot of HT older stuff is horrible by today's standards too (I'm looking at you v.1 Ripley). Both companies have been evolving and I think SS can turn out some great 12" figures too. I still put SS Han Hoth and especially Lupe Snowspeeder far and above HT Luke Bespin...but a lot of people would disagree with me on that one. It's really all about what YOU think and in this case...I 100% agree with you.
I hope the actual figure is great but from what I've seen at shows I'm really dissapointed especially after the HT one some time ago. I wonder WTH happened with this figure where SS got to release it.