Sideshow Star Wars Backlash

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I agree with most of you guys in here. I hate collectors that want to be a part of everything and when they can't they complain for no good reason.

Seeing how none of these figures are out, the "backlash" if you want to call it that comes from the inability to obtain these figures. That's their fault either for not paying attention and not ordering on time or just not having the funds to be a part of the group that collects the line.

Blaming Sideshow is ridiculous and ignorant. You can't be a part of everything folks. If it's out of your price range don't hate on the product or the company that makes the product. Admire it on the web or find a way to get it. We all have a choice to buy or not to buy.
Who cares what some whiney ******* have to say about SS. They're just jealous because they missed the boat or can't afford them. :monkey2
This is a good point to address a little pet peeve of mine:
The idea that a company "forces" you to buy something. Either they re-make it better, or they re-release slightly different, or the quality of a particular item isn't on par with the rest of the releases, and then the collector cries and moans about being "forced" to buy it to complete his collection.
This is pure bollucks. If I don't like a figure, or I already have something similar that I'm perfectly satisfied with, I don't buy the new one. I've got a shelf of great Star Wars toys and not one Luke on the whole shelf. Do I feel there is a hole in my collection? Not at all. I like what's there, and for what's not? Out of sight out of mind.
I'm getting Legolas and Aragorn, but if Gimli sucks, I'm not going to feel forced into getting it. I just won't get it.
If you are willingly paying out for an item you find less than worthy, or too costly, who's the moron? The company or you? Save it for something you believe wholeheartedly you will enjoy! Not for something you want just to fill a gap. You're not building a house, here!
The lower the run the more expensive the product, especially when you are talkign about Star Wars licensing fees. So that explains the cost. If they are complaining about the size of the run, well something tells me that if they had them safely on order with SS then they would be singing a different tune. These are supposedto be "limited", it wasn't an accidental byproduct of the ordering process.

Also, the lower the run, the higher the quality. Generally speaking, if a company is going to put out 50,000 units of the same toy, they have to cut corners on the product to meet the budgetary needs of such a large run. No one has unlimited funds, not even the toy companies.
Now, if you are only putting out 5,000 units, well then you've got some room to splurge a bit on the manufacture, hence a nicer looking figure.
Customikey said:
This is a good point to address a little pet peeve of mine:
The idea that a company "forces" you to buy something. Either they re-make it better, or they re-release slightly different, or the quality of a particular item isn't on par with the rest of the releases, and then the collector cries and moans about being "forced" to buy it to complete his collection.
This is pure bollucks. If I don't like a figure, or I already have something similar that I'm perfectly satisfied with, I don't buy the new one.

I agree totaly. I have my electronic 12" Boba Fett so I probably won't buy the Sideshow Fett when it comes out because I like what I have. I can't afford the PF figures so I don't get them but I would never bitch about them or complain about SS because of it.
Yeah, from what I've learned about most of my Star Wars brethren is that they tend to think they have to own it all. They have to have the complete collection of figures to be happy and every bust, statue, saber, etc.... ever produced. So when something comes along that is truly limited and costly, they have a fit.

I remember going to Celebration III, everyone wanted that CIII Vader... They were paying 40-50 bucks for it, just to say they got it. I had nothing of it, just gave in to the fact that I would not have it... Luckily for me a fellow collector sold one to me for $10 as we waited for an autograph. But, I wouldn't have cared if I missed it. But to watch the craziness as it started to become scarce..... priceless.

SSC was like a breath of fresh air to me, the chance of owning anything with Sideshows level of realism for Star Wars was beyond what I thought Lucasfilm would allow. Hasbro never really hooked me with the 12" line, none of them looked well done enough... save ROTS Anakin and the earlier Dooku. I stuck to the small figs and busts. So I was very interested and watched Sideshow's site waiting for the first figure to be announced.

But as I waited I started to get hooked on what was already released and started to build my collection. I'm a fan through and through, and I've not been let down by SSC yet. Every figure, even those a few have thought were subpar... I loved them. As for the other fans, and their backlash. It's to be expected with Star Wars, I just ignore it and enjoy the product. That's really what it's all about....:cool:
DarkArtist81 said:
Yeah, from what I've learned about most of my Star Wars brethren is that they tend to think they have to own it all. They have to have the complete collection of figures to be happy and every bust, statue, saber, etc.... ever produced. So when something comes along that is truly limited and costly, they have a fit.

I've been on this learning curve since I started posting on RS a lot since SS picked up the license. I was just having a discussion with someone from RS about a possible SDCC Exclusive. He felt that by SS doing them they where screwing the collectors that can't got. I was like come on already. The are called exclusives for a reason not everyone can have one plain and simple. Since then I've seen several collectors say I'm not going and don't care which is nice to see.
SolidLiquidFox said:
I agree with most of you guys in here. I hate collectors that want to be a part of everything and when they can't they complain for no good reason.

Seeing how none of these figures are out, the "backlash" if you want to call it that comes from the inability to obtain these figures. That's their fault either for not paying attention and not ordering on time or just not having the funds to be a part of the group that collects the line.

Blaming Sideshow is ridiculous and ignorant. You can't be a part of everything folks. If it's out of your price range don't hate on the product or the company that makes the product. Admire it on the web or find a way to get it. We all have a choice to buy or not to buy.
Jesseawilson said:
The lower the run the more expensive the product, especially when you are talkign about Star Wars licensing fees. So that explains the cost. If they are complaining about the size of the run, well something tells me that if they had them safely on order with SS then they would be singing a different tune. These are supposedto be "limited", it wasn't an accidental byproduct of the ordering process.

Your avaitar is very...? to watch...
jlcmsu said:
I've been on this learning curve since I started posting on RS a lot since SS picked up the license. I was just having a discussion with someone from RS about a possible SDCC Exclusive. He felt that by SS doing them they where screwing the collectors that can't got. I was like come on already. The are called exclusives for a reason not everyone can have one plain and simple. Since then I've seen several collectors say I'm not going and don't care which is nice to see.

It's true man... I never understand it. I mean, hey... I can't own all of the busts that I want, or the statues and PF's. Hell, I'd give a gallon af bone marrow to have The SSC Darth Vader statue, but I can't afford it. Am I mad?... nope. If I'm lucky I'll get it one day. And I bet if I do, I'll be happy it was limited enough to have all of that detail and quality. Sometimes I wish some people would just chill and enjoy this hobby. Stop taking it so seriously. Besides, it feels so much more sweet when... after your victory in finding said limited collectible... you bask in the knowledge that not many reached that zenith. That you earned it. The memory of how you got it will always make you happy when you look at it... THAT is what this hobby is about. NOT about having everything. Well said, jlcmsu, well said indeed.
I hope you are able to obtain the PF Vader. It's worth it and then some in my humble opinion. That's what I want to see though just kick back and enjoy collecting otherwise its not much fun. That's why I quit collecting sports cards when I did. I had over 1400 different Michael Jordan cards and it was to the point I was just buying all of them just to have them. It quit being fun even collecting my all time favorite player. So if you just kick back and have fun collecting something you love is 10x sweeter.:peace
jlcmsu said:
I've been on this learning curve since I started posting on RS a lot since SS picked up the license. I was just having a discussion with someone from RS about a possible SDCC Exclusive. He felt that by SS doing them they where screwing the collectors that can't got. I was like come on already. The are called exclusives for a reason not everyone can have one plain and simple. Since then I've seen several collectors say I'm not going and don't care which is nice to see.

Yeah, i posted in that thread over on RS. Its kind of ridiculous to say you're being screwed by sideshow just because they might make a SW exclusive and you may not be able to get it, but then again, every now and again people like to spit their dummy and throw their toys out of the pram when they cant get their own way.

I would like a shot at getting any exclusive sideshow might put out in the SW line, but if its something like a sith eyes Anakin or another similar very slight change to an existing figure I'll probably not bother trying. Exclusives are nice to own and everything, but i can live without. Im a big boy now.

I just think that If sideshow offers up a small amount of SDCC exclusives on their site, people who cant go to the show and want the exclusive ought to be glad they get the chance to try and get one. Not play the 'Im being screwed over' card.
Vaderx said:
Yeah, i posted in that thread over on RS. Its kind of ridiculous to say you're being screwed by sideshow just because they might make a SW exclusive and you may not be able to get it, but then again, every now and again people like to spit their dummy and throw their toys out of the pram when they cant get their own way.

I would like a shot at getting any exclusive sideshow might put out in the SW line, but if its something like a sith eyes Anakin or another similar very slight change to an existing figure I'll probably not bother trying. Exclusives are nice to own and everything, but i can live without. Im a big boy now.

I just think that If sideshow offers up a small amount of SDCC exclusives on their site, people who cant go to the show and want the exclusive ought to be glad they get the chance to try and get one. Not play the 'Im being screwed over' card.

I agree.:monkey3
Well, 2 years ago everyone here was complaining and moaning about the SDCC exclusives too. But once they saw how they were done I don't think anyone who has gone through the experience can complain all that much, both attendee and non-attendee.
I don't know why they would bitch or moan either. If the don't like the 12 Sideshow Star Wars items, there is always the glut of Hasblo's out there, so it isn't as if they dont have options.

As far as price is concerned, Sideshow have the most reasonably priced 12 inch figures out there, it just happens to be a fact. Smaller companies prices are higher, bigger mass marketing companies don't have the quality and or limited edition. Sideshow has price, quality, and collectible appeal. Diddums to those who choose to delude themselves.
jlcmsu said:
I hope you are able to obtain the PF Vader. It's worth it and then some in my humble opinion. That's what I want to see though just kick back and enjoy collecting otherwise its not much fun. That's why I quit collecting sports cards when I did. I had over 1400 different Michael Jordan cards and it was to the point I was just buying all of them just to have them. It quit being fun even collecting my all time favorite player. So if you just kick back and have fun collecting something you love is 10x sweeter.:peace

I hope I can have it one day too... Man, it looks sweet. Perhaps in a few months once my credit card is payed off, I'll used that hard earned credit to get the one PF item I've wanted more than anything. :monkey5

Until then.... I can dream...
Darklord Dave said:
Well, 2 years ago everyone here was complaining and moaning about the SDCC exclusives too. But once they saw how they were done I don't think anyone who has gone through the experience can complain all that much, both attendee and non-attendee.

That's one thing I've tried to stress to some of those at RS that haven't had much in the way of dealings with SS.

DarkArtist81 said:
I hope I can have it one day too... Man, it looks sweet. Perhaps in a few months once my credit card is payed off, I'll used that hard earned credit to get the one PF item I've wanted more than anything. :monkey5

Until then.... I can dream...

Well, good luck and when you do get it I believe you will enjoy it more than you can imagine.:peace
creecher said:
I don't know why they would bitch or moan either. If the don't like the 12 Sideshow Star Wars items, there is always the glut of Hasblo's out there, so it isn't as if they dont have options.

As far as price is concerned, Sideshow have the most reasonably priced 12 inch figures out there, it just happens to be a fact. Smaller companies prices are higher, bigger mass marketing companies don't have the quality and or limited edition. Sideshow has price, quality, and collectible appeal. Diddums to those who choose to delude themselves.

Yup, i'd agree with that. Overall i think Sideshows prices are really good. Ive seen people complain about the cost of the figures but in all honesty That really amazes me. I live in the UK and the Sideshow SW figures will cost me roughly around the £25-£30 mark. - I was paying that for the odd Hasbro 12" figure a few years back and look at the difference in quality.

Everything about the sideshow figures destroys the competition. Medicom Vader is a thing of beauty but its a different ballpark. For the attention to detail, fantastic sculpts and overall quality, you cant beat these new SS figures. I realy am amazed anyone complains about them at all.

Ahh just tell us what the next one is already will ya? :monkey5 :google