Sideshow Storm Shadow!

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Here's Storm Shadow without his mask probably 10-12 years before joining Cobra according to the Marvel series.


Does anyone have an idea what reference material SSC used for his face and hair? Is this his look from later in the Marvel comics, the Devil's Due run, or SSC's own design?


I actually don't mind that they included the extra head. Unlike SE and CC, Stormy was seen without his mask from time to time. I'll probably never use it but I'm glad that its there to have a "complete" figure.
Been a while since i've read them, but i do beleive it's the way he looks in the Devils due series, with s little creative liscense.
Just wanted to point out, he comes with swords and his sheathes on his quiver appear to have more swords. Likely the bladeless hilts like legolas came with i'll wager.
He should ATLEAST come with the ninja stars. I mean come on. That was like one of his big appeal to us when we was kids.
He should ATLEAST come with the ninja stars. I mean come on. That was like one of his big appeal to us when we was kids.

I thought that as well but as was pointed out earlier if you look at this pic you'll see a shuriken next to the second head, and two more in pockets on the belt.

Love it. every shot I see, i want him more.. perhaps he'll be my next rewards points purchase..... hmmm.....
Can't wait, want the exclusive. Bring him on!

anyone else think we might see the masked head re-used as a SDCC exclusive for firefly?

That'd be waaaaaaaaay too obvious unless they retooled the eyes. And with the head on the regular release, that means more of them, so I'd say no. Not without some mods in the eye area.

I'm really on the edge with this one, mostly because it doesn't feel like a $120 figure to me.
Although it does look very cool I'm not as wowed by this as I was with Snake Eyes.

And is Sideshow going the HT route and not having pegs to go with the extra hands?

Personally, I think he's overall a better looking figure than Snake Eyes, hands down. But potato po-tato. As for the pegs, Indy and Belloq both came with them for the extra hands so it's anybody's guess.
At least anyone concerned about movie actor head sculpts creeping into the SSC Joe line can breathe a sigh of relief.


Well, unless you're talking about SW movie actors... because that's almost a dead ringer for Temeura Morrison. :lol

Awesome-looking figure, though. :rock :rock :rock
Does anyone have an idea what reference material SSC used for his face and hair? Is this his look from later in the Marvel comics, the Devil's Due run, or SSC's own design?

I'm pretty sure it's Sideshows own, created sculpt. Only time you see his face is in the old Marvel comic (you posted), and a few times in Devils Due... and he doesn't look like either.

DD Storm Shadow...

I'm pretty sure it's Sideshows own, created sculpt. Only time you see his face is in the old Marvel comic (you posted), and a few times in Devils Due... and he doesn't look like either.

DD Storm Shadow...


There are other times he apears in the Marvel Comics without his mask that does look a bit more like this headsculpt...

I'm pretty sure it's Sideshows own, created sculpt. Only time you see his face is in the old Marvel comic (you posted), and a few times in Devils Due... and he doesn't look like either.

DD Storm Shadow...


A SSC artist's interpretation is fine by me. I'd *definitely* rather have that than anything from the Devil's Due series. For some reason I just feel like everything from DD is subpar fan fiction and don't really want to see any of it made official. If the SSC CC didn't come with his vintage laser pistol and scepter from the cartoon I would have been tempted to pass on him.
I'm telling you, they botched a helmetless Jango Fett headsculpt and then just used and modified it for Tommy. :lol

And, Khev, you're right... the Devil's Due stuff is the suck. Only the Sommers Celluloid Abortion™ will be worse. The original Larry Hama Marvel books (to this point) are the only true RAH canon for me.

Bring on Duke and Destro, Sideshow! :rock
That does look like Jango... oh well, guess you could put it on a Clone and call it a day :lol

Awesome looking figure, its funny the difference in tone here vs OSW about this figure, they are all mostly negative about the whole Joe line. Guess its just a different collecting focus and interest.
The OSW folks are just 1:6 diehards who haven't much faith in Sideshow these days. Sometimes I don't blame them, but many there do appear to have axes to grind.
That does look like Jango... oh well, guess you could put it on a Clone and call it a day :lol

Awesome looking figure, its funny the difference in tone here vs OSW about this figure, they are all mostly negative about the whole Joe line. Guess its just a different collecting focus and interest.

Medicom fans prolly say the same thing about this site :lol

But yea, they are diehards. The GIJoe line so far hasn't been perfect and a bit overpriced, but at least it is being made.
I like the costume, it is not an exact copy of the original but it has a really clasic look while remaining new and unique.

I don't see a lot of use for the extra head but I like it.
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