Waitlist 4 lyfe
Yeah they probly delayed it for a year coz it's going really well.
Yeah they probly delayed it for a year coz it's going really well.
Your post has calmed my nerves lol.
Yes, TDK, BB and MoS were all flicks I dig. TDKR I didn't dig as much. I guess as a DC fan you just see MARVEL pumping out flicks and kicking arse at the box office and I see misfires like GL and flicks taking years to come out and I'm like 'wtf DC step it up!'. Is it coz MARVEL have more freedom with their characters whereas DC are beholden to their WB masters or what?
Yeah they probly delayed it for a year coz it's going really well.
Sounds to me like you've already made up you're mind on whether or not you're going to like this film, which is hilarious considering we haven't even seen once second of footage. Haters gonna hate.
Conversely it sounds like you have already made up your mind that Affleck will do a fantastic job as Batman.....yet you haven't seen one second of footage either.
I like marvel films alot as well, but I wouldn't say they own DC movies. Did you like MoS TDK or BB??
For me at least, there are only 2 marvel films as good as those DC films. Volume wise and overarching storywise marvel is better but quality eg top 3 I give it to DC. Avengers and IM 1 are fantastic as well and are in my top 5. I also really liked The Dark World, just not as much as the 3 aforementioned DC movies. Marvel is winning yes but I don't agree its owning DC.
Nope, but I'm at least willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
I'll decide whether he was good or not once I watch the film.
Your post has calmed my nerves lol.
Yes, TDK, BB and MoS were all flicks I dig. TDKR I didn't dig as much. I guess as a DC fan you just see MARVEL pumping out flicks and kicking arse at the box office and I see misfires like GL and flicks taking years to come out and I'm like 'wtf DC step it up!'. Is it coz MARVEL have more freedom with their characters whereas DC are beholden to their WB masters or what?
Nope, but I'm at least willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
I'll decide whether he was good or not once I watch the film.
That's great...and I respect your decision to wait for the movie. However, other folks have a right to be wholly skeptic before they see the movie. Sometime skepticism can come across as hating. While being overly supportive of something can make you come across as a fan boy. If Bruce is skeptic of casting Affleck it doesn't necessarily make him a hater, and because you appear supportive doesn't necessarily make you an Affleck fan boy.
Personally I think Affleck is a better director than actor. When thinking about the ideal Batman...Affleck does not come to mind. I hope I'm wrong and Affleck nails it...but I would be lying if I didn't have visions of "Daredevil" dancing through my head.![]()
oh ffs Batfleck lmao
I think its gonna be dreadful.
Yeah like Daredevil.
Yeah they probly delayed it for a year coz it's going really well.
snoop stalks me
DC owns Marvel in animated movies.