It looks like the same body they used for the Thor figure which makes sense
Yup! Thor, Batman, Magneto and Luke Cage all have this body. It's a nice looking body, but the articulation just isn't there for me and the chest isn't big enough.
It looks like the same body they used for the Thor figure which makes sense
Looks like it's a matter of degrees. On mine its pretty bad and noticeable, but on the replacement they sent me it's not noticeable--but still sort there if you look for it.I?ve just noticed that the defect on the belt is also visible on the final pictures Sideshow is using for the figure.
Supes has just arrived! Finally!
To reply to your question, 1000masks, I’d say the skin tone is roughly similar.
However, if you expect to put the V.1 hs on the V.2, forget about it, shape won’t match like, at all!
So, my quick, very quick review. Belt? Bad indentation!
The rest, and trust me, I wouldn’t have believed I’d say that even one hour ago, is just awesome. I had my reservations about the sculpt, but it looks really great in hand. My main gripe was I didn’t like the nose, well, in hand I do. Really a great Superman. I love and will buy a second one.
Oh, and I think no one has really replied to that question: the head TILTS UP and down for flying poses.
Thanks for the quick review! Unfortunate, that the skin tone is similar to the V1 as I thought it was too brownish green. The pics I've seen make it look more caucasian in color than the V1.Supes has just arrived! Finally!
To reply to your question, 1000masks, I?d say the skin tone is roughly similar.
However, if you expect to put the V.1 hs on the V.2, forget about it, shape won?t match like, at all!
So, my quick, very quick review. Belt? Bad indentation!
The rest, and trust me, I wouldn?t have believed I?d say that even one hour ago, is just awesome. I had my reservations about the sculpt, but it looks really great in hand. My main gripe was I didn?t like the nose, well, in hand I do. Really a great Superman. I love and will buy a second one.
Oh, and I think no one has really replied to that question: the head TILTS UP and down for flying poses.
Cool! Hope you post pics I'd love to see what that looks like if you're able.Got a suit, belt and pair of boots from Toy Anxiety. Fits pretty nicely on a Phicen M34. Still have to tighten the peg holes for the boots, though.
Supes has just arrived! Finally!
To reply to your question, 1000masks, I’d say the skin tone is roughly similar.
However, if you expect to put the V.1 hs on the V.2, forget about it, shape won’t match like, at all!
So, my quick, very quick review. Belt? Bad indentation!
The rest, and trust me, I wouldn’t have believed I’d say that even one hour ago, is just awesome. I had my reservations about the sculpt, but it looks really great in hand. My main gripe was I didn’t like the nose, well, in hand I do. Really a great Superman. I love and will buy a second one.
Oh, and I think no one has really replied to that question: the head TILTS UP and down for flying poses.
Thanks for the quick review! Unfortunate, that the skin tone is similar to the V1 as I thought it was too brownish green. The pics I've seen make it look more caucasian in color than the V1.
Good to hear that you dig the headsculpt though! While I really like my repainted V1 sculpts, I've thought about getting a second V2 sculpt to turn into a heat vision look in the event that 1) I really like the new sculpt and 2) if the new sculpt doesn't fit on the modded MoS body I have planned to use.
I know I keep referencing them so I finally put together pics of my repainted v1 sculpts for those who care :
Cool! Hope you post pics I'd love to see what that looks like if you're able.
Fantastic paint app bro.
They are awesome, indeed! Great job!
On the account of the skin tone, I realize I should have been more precise. When I say it is the same, I mean that like most hs today, the base tone is the same, to be compatible with most TTM 19 KO. However, the paintjob is hugely different and his skin tone looks much lighter. As for the old hs, which I love too, the lantern jaw will stick out like a sore thumb on that new body, and the v1 head is slightly bigger.
thanks for the review, 16k.
Do you think a Reeve Superman headsculpt by Hot Toys would match in skin tone with the new body?
Thanks man, I appreciate it
Yea, I popped the V1 heads on the newest Batman body to test out since it's the same as the V2 Superman one and you're right, the jaw (and head as a whole) is just way too big for that body.
But from testing, the V1 heads fit perfectly on the HT Henry Cavill type bodies (i.e. MoS, BvS, JL, Vader) b/c the neck on those bodies are big enough to accept the much bigger jaw on the V1 w/o looking bobble headed. So, I'm definitely going to test out the V2 suit on the modded MoS body I have as I would like Superman to have a slightly bigger body than Batman.
One thing I know SS always said when they first got the DC license (and why V1 Sups has a smaller body than V1 Bats) is they felt Batman had to train all the time, so he should have a bigger physique than Superman who is just naturally is strong. I never agree with that. Superman is the physically stronger being therefore he should have the bigger body IMO. If SS would've made the chest and neck bigger on the V1 Sups, it would've been such a home run and the jaw/head wouldn't have looked so oversized on that figure. Thank goodness the V2 has better proportions all around.
I believe it could work fine. I haven?t tried it but Reeve is only a tad paler.
I completely agree about V1. And even so, I still think it was a home run. I have several, I even have some kO. The one I posted before was done entirely with some KO parts. I have one that I left as it is out of the box. Another one, I just placed a band of grey foam on the side of his chest. Makes a huge difference.
I don’t think you’ll like the new one better. In their own ways, their just as good, but different.