Super Freak
Pictures, pictures and ... pictures and ...??? nothing yet))) ???LOL I'm curious to see poor herbivore body near the T-rex. I love a lot this original combination. ROARRRRRRRRRR ....
)))) Anyway I own all variants of T-rex from Sideshow. A short opinion. I checked all variants and I noticed something interesting and I can not say that one or the other they have anatomically problems , but I must admit that skin texture and detail of the T-rex by David Krentz are taken to extreme and deep delight the eyes. I would be able to watch for hours that sculpture.However this t-rex by Jorge Blanco remains one of my favorites . I think my favorite statue remains Apatosaurus, do not know why but it is brilliant!!! Maybe I love more sauropods. Mosasaur in my opinion is one of the most original, organic and dynamic statue from Sideshow in recent years!
I like em' all for different reasons really. The depiction of each has it's own beauty..the first Rex VS Trike dio is skillfully done..I can't imagine sculpting many tight corners and it all balances on the one foot of the Triceratops..pretty epic. David's Rex screams " old warrior" the deep cuts, creases and folds is an animal that seen everything and done everything and is stronger for it. Though he is still wise enough to fear other larger tyrannosaurs. The new one reminds me a lot of the Gorgosaurus/Albertosaurus in Phil Tippets Prehistoric Beast short film. It's a well fed beast of an animal in the prime of life stalking the thick conifer forests snatching the unwary..a true monster.