Super Freak
I'll be getting an EX. I'm leaning towards the styracasaurus and apatosaurus to go with it.
It is the most beautiful T-rex that I saw !!!. RESPECT JORGE BLANCO!
if you were to go by what they probably ACTUALLY looked like from fossil records, you'd have more feathers. to be honest saying it should have a lizard feel when it wouldn't have in real life is like saying "they should've made Barack Obama look blacker in that poster". Point is, just because there is a opinion of what it should look like, it doesn't necessarily mean that's what it Did look like.i Think that the skin texture could be more lizard/leopard like...for a predator camouflage is crucial
theyve found fossilized remains of smaller species with the remnants of what could only be feathers or early remnants of feathers. its already well known that they're bone structure is directly related to birds. they also are closer to birds than any other animal todayThere's no direct evidence T-rex had feathers, so it's all guess-work really.