Killing the hobby, hmm.. that's an interesting topic. I know some said hurting, that's different, but still interesting and closely related.
It all seems like a cycle to me. Will collectors really stop collecting when things like this happen? Sure some will, especially veteran collectors, but for everyone who gets frustrated and/or priced out of the hobby, new un-experienced collectors are coming in and even long time collectors still pop back in every now and then to get a piece they've been waiting a long time to have, sometimes even when these issues still exist. I mean, most of us probably came into this hobby when others were priced out and/or frustrated prior. A lot of these same problems existed prior to most of us joining, and previous collectors have voiced some of the same issues. As technology advances, unfortunately prices tend to rise and all the other stuff that go along with it (QC etc..) so on. So, does it ever really end? or is it a cycle? Plus collectors are never really happy!Hmmm... Think about the times when you are fed up with this hobby, then they finally make a piece you just can't live without (this Thanos is that piece for some). This is not meant to offend or contradict, just my thoughts. What do you guys think?
Good Post!
Collecting will never ever die. I’ve always picked and chose wisely with statues. I’ve only gotten rid of one statue that just pissed me off looking at it sigh. But in all honesty I’ve pre ordered way more than I’m used too. And 3 of these are over 2k in price. I’m not gonna complain about the price as all 3 are huge and very limited also.
I would agree that collectors are never happy. I would change that to collectors are never satisfied. This is more of a broader way of looking at it. I’ve heard many including Radd Titan slate sideshow and Geo himself saying never again yet these guys are loving the **** out of sideshow recently lol. Nope they will never stop being satisfied lol.
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