Super Freak
With our luck, we'll get a 1/6 scale Captain Blumburtt with exclusive mustache wax dispenser.
I'm surprised so many people want a Marion from Sideshow. I understand wanting the character, but Sideshow's track record with female figures is horrible.
And so would I.
I'd like to see Marion before the lines moves away from Raiders...but I would prefer her "Nepal bar" outift, not the red Cairo one...
And no one's mentioned it (I know, I know, most folks in here think it's bad), but I'd like to see KOTCS represented eventually in the collection too...Indy, Spalko, Mutt*, and Dovchenko...
*although that Medi version is excellent
I really would like to see Sideshow skip around a bit movie/figure wise too...
They will make a Marcus Brody. Nobody will buy it. They will shut the line down due to lack of interest.
This is only judging by the pics, as I don't have this figures but both versions of Leia, Lara Croft and even Scully look good head sculpt-wise. The only problem seems to be the body, but I can always put the head on a different body but I am not talented enough to do a HS myself. So I'd rather have Sideshow do Marion even on a crap body, because I can always customize it. And I'd rather they produced her now before the line dies, so at least the Raiders set-up would feel complete. Then they can move to other films.
Yeah, but do you really want to pay $90 for a good headsculpt with mediocre paint, and have to customise everything on top of that? Marion is a really good example of Sideshow being damned if they do, damned if they don't.