If he wasn't so winkley, this would be a solid piece. I'm confused though as to why Sideshow made the old Hulk bust smaller than Captain America, Thor and Iron Man. And they made the new Hulk bust also smaller than Deadpool and Wolverine...
The Hulk bust is huge is person. You tell his head is larger compared to the others in that pic. People get so hung up on height for statues.
There's certainly a lot of sculpted detail in the piece, but all I've got to say is..... Yikes!! :eek
who?? who??!! who were the people who said "oh yeah, for sure, that's the one, that'll sell. let's do that." let alone "yeah, $1000 dollars, that sounds about right for that." good grief. things like this really make me wonder if the people making decisions at sideshow have slightest interest in the properties they cover.
Agree. Honestly, how are they even going to get 250 orders for this? I know this is a small subset of the community but is anyone ordering this? Even the biggest Wolverine fans in the world have to be conflicted.