Bigger question for me is whether they will jack the price to $399.
I'd say it'd be safe to bet it will be. Just look at the stormtrooper repaints.
Bigger question for me is whether they will jack the price to $399.
I'm happy with my black and red Deadpool. Plus it's identical with the exception of the straight left arm. I'll be a littler choked if they're sword hands because I would of liked to have that with my B/R version.
Seems kinda way too soon to be releasing this seeing as the other one is like 3 or 4 months old? I guess I can't be surprised with it being SS.
I'm happy with my black and red Deadpool. Plus it's identical with the exception of the straight left arm. I'll be a littler choked if they're sword hands because I would of liked to have had that with my B/R version.
Seems kinda way too soon to be releasing this seeing as the other one is like 3 or 4 months old? I guess I can't be surprised with it being SS.
Not sure what to think about this one....
I missed out on the EX for Deadpool and he's great but not sure I care enough to double dip especially since I've yet to read an X-Force book.
X-Force Deadpool should have the "X" on his belt....hope they fix it !!
Wonder what the es will be.
Oh boy, they really are turning into Bowen with all these repaints, I have no interest in this as it is way to new of a design for me to care about it.
But anyone wanting to upgrade their red version with swords click the link in my signature!
Where are the swords/knifes?
Pass nothing new to this but color.