It's interesting to read that the producer of the game, Davin Shatsky, would label the SH games as 'psychological thriller' than survival horror. I dunno, I think it's both.
Thanks for the link, Matt. I really like EGMi's digital mag. Really great concept.
Thought I'd post these because...why not, they look nice (1st pic looks almost too nice, very un-silent hill). And because we still have no new gameplay footage to speak of. I bet there will be a blowout at E3.
After Silent Hill 2, and to a certain extent 3, the series has lost its edge. The Room was ok but I really expected more. Now that American companies have developed the games, they've lost that special something that Team Silent had: an foreign view of horror. The newer games want to be scary but the older ones were psychologically disturbing, which made them much better. Not to mention Akira Yamaoka's music. That just added layers of depth to the games that cannot be recreated. The soundtrack to Silent Hill 2 is damn near perfect and I refer back to it often. Just my opinion, of course. Feel free to disagree.
This new one is being developed by a romanian based company, so should have a different edge than the last couple games. Most with agree. Shattered memories, origins, and to some extent, Homecoming felt like watered down versions of Silent hill 1 and 2
I agree with v1101011, but I do appreciate that they're trying not to stray too far what made Silent Hill...Silent Hill. In these days when survival-horror is mutating into action-horror, I like that Silent Hill still doesnt have an over the shoulder camera, AI co-op partners and giant weapons. And that's why I'm optimistic about Downpour.
We need more of this. True survival horror is fading away, I'm afraid. More SH, Fatal Frame, and Siren please.