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Absolutely love the yearbook pics of Marty!

Wow, you're doing work for Disney now? Any details that you can share?


These are brilliant, I love how version 2 Marty came out! :bow The eyes are perfect.

And MAJOR congrats on the new gig with Disney, so stoked for you! :hi5:
Great job on marty!! :wave

But i don't understand your position with Sideshow :( . You can't paint any pieces for Sideshow now??
:lol I get it. Fortunately, I'm still a freelance vender, so no such restrictions apply. Bring on Jack.

Oddly, nobody has ever requested a repaint of him from me, though people have suggested I do one.

I think it's safe to say you earned that through hard work and dedication. :clap

They say good things come to those who wait. I say good things come to those who work hard as if working for God himself and trust him to open the doors for you. Thanks to Freak john@yoyodyne, Disney practically knocked on my door.

They also say, it's not what you know, it's who you know. But I say, it's not just who you know, but how well you do things that gets you known.

Those aren't just my philosophies. Those are my experiences.

Great job on marty!! :wave

But i don't understand your position with Sideshow :( . You can't paint any pieces for Sideshow now??

I am free to paint for Sideshow if they ever ask again.

On a completely "unrelated note": You know how some 'clicks' in high school just decided they didn't like YOU no matter how nice you were to them, how well you played a certain sport, or how honest you were all the time?:dunno
Like they also say, "When one door closes, another opens (especially if you live in a drafty house:lol)."

That's been my experience. Sometimes I get mad at God for allowing a door to close on me (and I wanted to be in-house with Sideshow more than anything at the time), but whenever I seem to lose an opportunity, it ALWAYS turns out that God was freeing me up for when that better thing He had planned was ready to happen.

Sorry to keep sounding philosophical this morning. I'm just in that kinda mood.
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Like they also say, "When one door closes, another opens (especially if you live in a drafty house:lol)."

That's been my experience. Sometimes I get mad at God for allowing a door to close on me (and I wanted to be in-house with Sideshow more than anything at the time), but whenever I seem to lose an opportunity, it ALWAYS turns out that God was freeing me up for when that better thing He had planned was ready to happen.

Sorry to keep sounding philosophical this morning. I'm just in that kinda mood.

Congratulations! That is sooo awesome!
congrats on the new job opportunity nathan! the Disney store is lucky to have your talents!

Thanks. I'm already disconvering that it has it's own challenges. While the pieces are cartoony and don't require crazy trick and techniques, they are a challenge to get just the right colors (which is most, most important) and to do them perfectly clean and neat. No weathering, translucents, and washes. Nope, razor's edge sharp.

Congratulations! That is sooo awesome!

Hey Nathan
I was wondering if at last batch of head sculpts went out yet? Very anxious to get em.

Also if that little problem was taken care of. Thanks in advance. :wave