Liking the hat color as well.
Just curious, did you bring anything new to this latest batch of MCH sculpts, as far as technique, blood spatter etc?
Thanks again Nathan, absolutely love this piece.
Here are some pictures of my TDK: Original Costume Batman with MokeyRobotMaster cowl painted by Nathan. Lovin' it!
Man does he look sufficiently beefy there Marf. Awesome job on that Nathan, it matches the rest of the figure perfectly!
Just beautiful pieces! Just when I think I'm getting tired of seeing yet another version of the Joker, something like this comes in and blows me away! He just looks alive and you can almost imagine him thinking of how to take on Batman next. And that Batman is also gorgeous! Jeez, Dane! I've said it time and time again, I just love the pieces in your collection! Just awesome!![]()
Thanks for the great shots, Dane!That's the definitive set now.
Repaint coming soon...
Thanks for the great shots, Dane!That's the definitive set now.
Repaint coming soon...
Help me out here. I'm not a Nomak expert, and almost all reference pics on the net have bad lighting.
How does this look so far? He'll be getting blood-mouth next.
i think he needs to be a little more pale....but it looks GREAT so far!!!!