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Finally did my own Indiana Jones repaint. Actually, he belongs to my aunt, and I repainted him for her for Christmas.


More pics coming soon.

You are knocking out those eyes Nathan. You got Fords eye color down pretty good, just about perfect. Great job on the skin tones.:clap
Thank you very much, Boot. That kind of praise is the fuel in my fire.

This was a particularly difficult head to repaint since my aunt doesn't have the Exclusive with interchangeable heads. This one is permanently attached. I had to pull the jacket and shirt down as far as I could and really watch my aim with the airbrush. Probably took me longer than it would have otherwise, but still came out fine.




I loved that there was chest hair sculpted into this even though you don't ever see it when he's dressed up. I had to paint it as Small Studios did. I loved the way Josh's came out. I even went a little further and gave him straggling hairs up to his neck. Can't really see them too well in this shot with the glare though.


You are knocking out those eyes Nathan. You got Fords eye color down pretty good, just about perfect. Great job on the skin tones.:clap

Thanks, Josh. Yeah, not an easy color to figure out. Seems to change from reference to reference. At least the shape of the iris was sculpted in this time. Saved some time not shaping them.
I got to hand it to you Nathan to be able to paint the sculpt while it is still attached to the body is an accomplishment in itself. I love what you did with the chest hair too. Not sure if your done but you might go back and put a bit of a slight dusting on his fedora with some lighter pastels. I think that would make his hat pop alittle more. Also can you please cover up his moobs they are distracting........
nathan that thing is crazy :whip bro...WOW! it is paint's like this that make a high end collectible worth having. great Work!!! well off to emergency room :medic my chin just hit the desk...
That Indy is just incredible. Seriously, that is just a work of art. :clap
nathan that thing is crazy :whip bro...WOW! it is paint's like this that make a high end collectible worth having. great Work!!! well off to emergency room :medic my chin just hit the desk...

Shucks, I was hoping to induce eyes bulging out of heads. I'll have to try harder next time.:lol Thanks.

That Indy is just incredible. Seriously, that is just a work of art. :clap

The key word being 'art'. Thank you very much.

Incredible paint apps!

Thank you.
Holy ____ man, so can the head be taken off? I mean there is a break there. Also would you be willing to take this on again Nathan? Outstanding work by the way.

No, the head doesn't come off if you don't have the Exclusive. I painted it on the body with the clothes pulled down.

Yes, I'd be willing to paint another. That may make two I've got interest in now. PM me.
Excellent work on Indy Nathan! I had actually been considering sending my EX Indy to you for a repaint, but considering all the Sideshow PF heads I'd want repainted I figured I would hold off (I don't want to go broke, since there are several that I think need a repaint). PM sent to you about another project I'd like to get you input on.
Finally did my own Indiana Jones repaint. Actually, he belongs to my aunt, and I repainted him for her for Christmas.


More pics coming soon.

Nathan, this was already said and repeated, but...


Never, never I seen an Indy so terribly well repainted, or painted, period!

Incredible of realism!