Are you talking about the comiquette? He is very nice but top 5 of all time is too high for him. Just curious what are the other 4?
i mean comiquette wise...n he's too many interchangeable things thats what i liked the most ......
Are you talking about the comiquette? He is very nice but top 5 of all time is too high for him. Just curious what are the other 4?
Of course you know who number 1 is?
Silver siurfer
are amongst to top 5 for me with spidey at #1
Of course you know who number 1 is?
i mean comiquette wise...n he's too many interchangeable things thats what i liked the most ......
I thought this was a top 5 1/4 comiquettes??
HULK isn't 1/4 but he's definietly included if it's open to all Comiqueetes
I decided to get this one. I really love the pose and general look of it. The character holds a cool backstory. To me this piece is a very iconic piece and it is well suited for displaying.
I'll be posting some pics and some vids once I receive it.
I just noticed right leg peg is not going properly into that hole of Surfer board is it common