Wow, we can be brothers. I just check the link and the ex is on WL? Wtf? I want to WL it ASAP. But I need to wait for the new coupon first. Hurry up new coupons.
We might be, where are you from again? My dad was quite the pimp in his youth.
Wth no WaY Jose! I thought this wasn't up for PO yet, did it sell out that fast? Now I'll never get to use a coupon on it! Wow how come no one said anything about this maquette selling out. Was there a low quantity alert. I want this now because it sold out even more. Should we get on the WL if we get on now we can convert pretty easy. I don't know what do you think? Its by my new favourite sculptor but not by Mark because him and Tim Miller are the best too but this new guy Steve is really good and I don't want to pass on this. Wow what's the price on this. What's the reg ES
Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon