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Re: Skiman's Custom Workshop (Sculpting, Painting, Modding :: Thomas Jane Punisher #3

Game over, freak....


:monkey4 I think I just watched that for like 5 mins straight. What movie is that from?
Re: Skiman's Custom Workshop (Sculpting, Painting, Modding :: Thomas Jane Punisher #3

Disqualification for more than 6 hours passing between? :dunno
I've been waiting here with a woody.

At the doctors all day with two munchkins with stomach flue, pulling a Regan out of both ends = a goodwill forfeit by you but one hell of an image from me to go out on. :lol :nana:

:monkey4 I think I just watched that for like 5 mins straight. What movie is that from?

:lol Punisher: WarZone. Watch it. Except for the gay political statement recruitment scene, it's great! :lecture:lecture:lecture
Re: Skiman's Custom Workshop (Sculpting, Painting, Modding :: Thomas Jane Punisher #3

At the doctors all day with two munchkins with stomach flue, pulling a Regan out of both ends = a goodwill forfeit by you but one hell of an image from me to go out on. :lol :nana:

Touche. Hope the kids feel better. :peace
Re: Skiman's Custom Workshop (Sculpting, Painting, Modding :: Thomas Jane Punisher #3

Ski, Punisher looks bad ass! You nailed the likenss. Looking foward to the future projects!
Re: Skiman's Custom Workshop (Sculpting, Painting, Modding :: Thomas Jane Punisher #3

Thomas Jane looks awesome and Vin Diesel wishes he was that bad ass looking.

Great job Bro!!!
Re: Skiman's Custom Workshop (Sculpting, Painting, Modding, etc...)

Quick cell, since ---> :tap :lol



Cash what was that noise?

Touche. Hope the kids feel better. :peace

Thanks, bud. They're getting there. Poor kids are probably over annoyed with us buzzing around like bees every time there's a cough or a head twitch. :lol
Re: Skiman's Custom Workshop (Sculpting, Painting, Modding :: Thomas Jane Punisher #3

Did another RIDDICK today, this one is also my friend Mikey, I hope you like it, I'll post more pics later on this evening whenever I finish the glove.




He'll come with a cloak and all that jazz as well. :lecture


Dude, that looks like it's right out of Hot Toys factory. :clap It's perfect. Let me say it again: PERFECT.:lecture
Re: Skiman's Custom Workshop (Sculpting, Painting, Modding :: Thomas Jane Punisher #3

Dude, that looks like it's right out of Hot Toys factory. :clap It's perfect. Let me say it again: PERFECT.:lecture

Thank you sir! :rock I greatly appreciate it!

Re: Skiman's Custom Workshop (Sculpting, Painting, Modding :: Thomas Jane Punisher #3

Vin Diesel although older than you'd think, and always mostly plays roles where he is much younger, he is still a very big guy, in the recent Fast & Furious he was huge, and I remember the first Fast & Furious and when s**t was hittin the fan and he was walkin back to his insane muscle car i just remember seein those triceps and they were massive.
still nothing as far as how cut arnold and those guys used to be but still beefed up. That riddick and his knives are insane! you keep posting up more and more figures that I end up saying "i want one of those" lol damn you ski, i'm gonna be broke spending all $ on these things.
Thomas Jane looks awesome and Vin Diesel wishes he was that bad ass looking.:slap

Great job Bro!!!
Re: Skiman's Custom Workshop (Sculpting, Painting, Modding :: Thomas Jane Punisher #3

Looks great Ski, you've managed to make Vin Diesel cool. Riddick is his best role besides the Iron Giant. :rock
Re: Skiman's Custom Workshop (Sculpting, Painting, Modding :: Thomas Jane Punisher #3

As badass as those two are makes me wonder how badass you would do a Sabretooth. Excellent stuff!
Re: Skiman's Custom Workshop (Sculpting, Painting, Modding :: Thomas Jane Punisher #3

Vin Diesel although older than you'd think, and always mostly plays roles where he is much younger, he is still a very big guy, in the recent Fast & Furious he was huge, and I remember the first Fast & Furious and when s**t was hittin the fan and he was walkin back to his insane muscle car i just remember seein those triceps and they were massive.

Not really, no. He's a short, little man. :lecture:lecture:lecture::exactly:
Re: Skiman's Custom Workshop (Sculpting, Painting, Modding :: Thomas Jane Punisher #3

Delete the head from Nam's gif and insert my wallet....:clap :monkey2 :exactly:

Now imagine if his typing suddenly got horrible, quadrupled his turnaround time and started treating his customers like ____ and in some cases even ignored them. Then he could start charging primo cash! :lol
Re: Skiman's Custom Workshop (Sculpting, Painting, Modding :: Thomas Jane Punisher #3

Now imagine if his typing suddenly got horrible, quadrupled his turnaround time and started treating his customers like ____ and in some cases even ignored them. Then he could start charging primo cash! :lol

Re: Skiman's Custom Workshop (Sculpting, Painting, Modding :: Thomas Jane Punisher #3

Now imagine if his typing suddenly got horrible, quadrupled his turnaround time and started treating his customers like ____ and in some cases even ignored them. Then he could start charging primo cash! :lol

Please tell me you dont have a gif for that one...:rotfl
Re: Skiman's Custom Workshop (Sculpting, Painting, Modding :: Thomas Jane Punisher #3

Dude, that looks like it's right out of Hot Toys factory. :clap It's perfect. Let me say it again: PERFECT.:lecture

I like this one! :clap