Re: Skiman's Custom Workshop (Sculpting, Painting, Modding :: BIG BOA!!! #4045)
Ok, just another small disclaimer and believe me I don't like being THAT guy but please try to refrain on PM'ing me about turn around times, how much longer, etc.. etc...
If it's only been a few days or perhaps a week... I'm definitely working on everything to get items to everyone. I'm NOT going anywhere I won't be one of those dudes that disappears but I believe that is the main cause for this "UPDATE... UPDATE, what time are you going to poop?" sort of deal.
I try to work as fast as possible but I also don't want to lesson quality by working even faster. Everyone deserves to notch quality as I like to bring, at least to the best of my abilities. I usually get a couple days a week to work on items and perhaps sometimes weekends but we all know that we have families, house work, functions, regular full-time work as I also have a full time job. I'm also turning Pro in the bodybuilding industry this year so that will be a major focus time to where I will probably have to cut off a lot of this hobby for a few months later this year.
All that being said, the Ski-train is full steam ahead and running with great horsepower but I felt like I just needed to throw that out there with my customer base growing, being a one man army, and I'm getting items out that are paid for.
As for the Krazy Skimaniacs, I appreciate those that remain patient and being long term customers, I always try to do something extra for those folks and throw in some cars, private jets, cristal and bling bling!!!!
I'm super grateful for those folks. 
As always I appreciate the support and lets keep it rocking!