Slave Leia PF in the works???

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ummm i hope its a standing pose... cause GG and Koto have her sitting/laying down... and you see more costume when she is standing.. like the Unleashed version.

Maybe in a running/dancing pose... kinda like what Oola is doing in Return of the Jedi... or swinging her chain around like Unleashed Padme.
ms_ventress said:
ummm i hope its a standing pose... cause GG and Koto have her sitting/laying down... and you see more costume when she is standing.. like the Unleashed version.

Maybe in a running/dancing pose... kinda like what Oola is doing in Return of the Jedi... or swinging her chain around like Unleashed Padme.

its good to see you back ms v...yes id like a standing pose also.
its the only pose left to make sideshows 1/4 unique from all the others
checking back in on this thread, it appears that I am the one person that doubted your claim, and I just wanted to clear the air somewhat. I responded with hesitation initially, as I did not want to click on links blindly at work, oftentimes which land me at **** sites with no warning. I also work with some people with severe emotional disturbances, and my days consist of a lot of grandiose, improbable stories, so I am particularly cautious about tales of good fortune. If it seems like I am grovelling, well, maybe I am just a little...I was hoping I could direct my girlfriend to your site and maybe provide some pointers for next halloween!:D

Welcome to the board!

Now, back on topic, I always like the Unleashed Hasbro Leia pose, since she is aggressive and active, not a giant worm's plaything. Just my .02
The unleashed version holding the rope almost looks like she's pole dancing to me...
I don't like repeats this early. We already have a great PF Leia and 2 Lukes. There is just too many figures that need to be made. And the other problem is the cost. These figures are high priced and there not holding value. Anymore repeats this early and I finished with the line. My PF Vader is so lonely without Stormtroopers and the Emperor.
Maybe that is why I liked it...I haven't seen it in a while, I just remembered being surprised by how dynamic it looked, not just posed as a reclining sexpot toy...
I don't care for the Unleashed pose. It's not very natural looking... It looks like she's modeling her metal bikini.
I think it would be really awesome if they had Slave Leia and Jedi Luke in the pose just before they swing off the sail barge. But that would prolly drive the price way up and it would suck for people who just want Slave Leia so I doubt it will happen.
I'm with Josh on the pose:

ms_ventress said:
oooh geez... guys... i am a girl... i actually collect SW collectibles, and I love sci-fi movies and costumes...

is it really that hard to believe... there are lots of girls interested in costumes and collecting... I know at least 20.

but I like reading what you guys post... its hilarous!:rotfl

the coolest thing though is that i have a very special full scale Boba Fett... who loves me and takes care of me. :D

... i think this thread is getting a little off topic... eh?

Tee hee...back off topic...we're all nice guys Ms, Ventress, except Shai Hulud who is a very, very naughty boy and who would have that metal bikini off in a second! Make sure Boba is around...or that you have a nice length of chain to hand to re-enact the demise of Jabba!:D

Only kidding Shai!!!!:rolleyes:
Mini-Rock said:
I'm with Josh on the pose:

I want this pose too. Thats like one of the most classic pictures of her as Jabbas slave. I think thats the one they used for the standup if im not mistaken. I just hope she is standing.
thamesvalidude said:
we're all nice guys Ms, Ventress, except Shai Hulud who is a very, very naughty boy and who would have that metal bikini off in a second! rolleyes:

Truer words were never spoken on this board...:lol :monkey5
ms_ventress said:
omgoodness... you boys are crazy...:rolleyes:

You'll have to excuse Shai, he gets very lonely sitting in front of his computer all day.

Many of these fellas only interaction with females is one wonders into their WOW game.
Darth Loki said:
You'll have to excuse Shai, he gets very lonely sitting in front of his computer all day.

Many of these fellas only interaction with females is one wonders into their WOW game.
Yeah, cause everyone knows when we talk about Shai and his fingers of doom, we are referring to his superior typing skills.:D