Snake Eyes 1/6 Environment!!!

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Well like I said I was on the fence. A few weeks before the release I looked for 1/6 scale wolves and I found a few. There was some gijoe ace figure that had a wolf or dog that looked like a wolf maybe a husky. On ebay and even these were selling for like $30 to $35 bucks then I found ones with the real looking fur but the pose was all wrong. It was like they were all looking at the moon. Thats not timber. Thats not they way I see timber .or remember him so I figured for all the time I spent looking. For what I wanted. And just a plastic wolf being $35 bucks I might as well just get the one thats goes with the snake eyes. Is there anyone out there that can say they hadn't paid alot more and gotten alot less! I know I have. But when I did get it and opened it My wife seen me in the living room:banana O yea got it! then my 11 year old said"Dad I want one too that things cool!!!" So then I was like:rotfl yea right this thing is like $150 bucks well then I got the look:gun if you have kids you know the look.But to make a long story short I think it was worth it just to complement my snake eyes! But when the throne gets here well:chew
This wouldn't even be an issue if Sideshow wasn't addicted to polystone like crack. This thing could have been done in ABS (and looked pretty much the same) for about half the price, or less. Same with all of their other environments. I mean, who cares how heavy it is? It's just gonna sit there, right?
This wouldn't even be an issue if Sideshow wasn't addicted to polystone like crack. This thing could have been done in ABS (and looked pretty much the same) for about half the price, or less. Same with all of their other environments. I mean, who cares how heavy it is? It's just gonna sit there, right?

:lecture:lecture:lecture Boba was the same. Initially people felt ripped off that he was PVC and not polystone, but honestly, if you don't lift him up, you'd never know the difference, even side-by-side with other polystone PFs - he looks THAT damn good! Of course, it didn't help that Sideshow didn't take off anything pricewise. :duh:duh:duh
If anyone wants to sell their Timber let me know :peace

Get with King Darkness about the Enemy Ace wolf he picked up up. I think he got for like $15 but I don't recall exactly where. It's a bigger fuller sculpt for a sliver of a fraction of the cost.

This wouldn't even be an issue if Sideshow wasn't addicted to polystone like crack. This thing could have been done in ABS (and looked pretty much the same) for about half the price, or less. Same with all of their other environments. I mean, who cares how heavy it is? It's just gonna sit there, right?

I have to agree there. Polystone is a great material but you could get the same look with other (cheaper) materials too.
me too. $60 would have been plenty and thats FOR polystone. If it was cheap plastic I would expect it to be like $30.

True, that's why I've been avoiding picking this piece up. Hopefully it will drop in price in the arftermarket, then I may pick one up.
Im thinking about picking this up just for Timber. Is anyone interested in the environment part? If so PM me and we can work something out.
:lecture:lecture:lecture Boba was the same. Initially people felt ripped off that he was PVC and not polystone, but honestly, if you don't lift him up, you'd never know the difference, even side-by-side with other polystone PFs - he looks THAT damn good! Of course, it didn't help that Sideshow didn't take off anything pricewise. :duh:duh:duh

Exactly. And the thing with the Boba PF that pissed us off is that it was a rotocast plastic piece at a polystone price.
I agree that there's really no reason for polystone environments, not for plastic action figures anyway, no matter how nice/detailed they are. They could have cut the cost easily with a "lesser" material, I'm sure.
didn't they already address this somewhere? i thought they said polystone is the easiest to work with cuz you have less pieces that need to be scrapped from casting flaws.
why does everyone think that just because plastics are lighter that it will cut the total price down? the majority of the cost comes from the actually design and sculpt of the individual pieces. not the material it is made out of. slap a GI Joe license on top of that and there's your $120 price tag. people think they can get everything for free.
why does everyone think that just because plastics are lighter that it will cut the total price down? the majority of the cost comes from the actually design and sculpt of the individual pieces. not the material it is made out of. slap a GI Joe license on top of that and there's your $120 price tag. people think they can get everything for free.

That's fine. Now subtract an absurd shipping cost due to 10lbs of polystone shaved off and you've already got a great discount.
if hasbro can make a big ass tank with like 100 pieces and sell it for $99 under the GI Joe license, I think SSC could sell a 2 or 3 piece casted item for less than that. SSC has a sick markup in the guise of "limited edition". If SSC targeted selling 1 of these to every collector that bought Snake Eyes. In other words if they made 4500 of them as opposed to 750 they maybe could have sold them all at $60. Instead, they only make 750 and try to milk $130 from each buyer.

ps, I would take the enviro without the wolf small_studios but what I'm willing to pay is pretty small ($60).