Just a little freaky
This is my first real go at a 1/6 custom. I decided to not go for any particular movie look (i.e. NY or LA) but rather a general Snake.
I finally finished painting the head, which I bought off Evilbay. My hand isn't the steadiest so I was rather pleased with the eye area. I painted the hair a dark brown then drybrushed a couple different lighter shades. I sealed with dull coat and glossed the eye and a bit on the lips. I'm happy with how it turned out.
I finally finished painting the head, which I bought off Evilbay. My hand isn't the steadiest so I was rather pleased with the eye area. I painted the hair a dark brown then drybrushed a couple different lighter shades. I sealed with dull coat and glossed the eye and a bit on the lips. I'm happy with how it turned out.
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