Snake Plissken's Collection

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I wish medicom would do an afro samurai

Guts looks great man, great pick up! been eying him up myself.

Will you be getting Link or not?
Undecided on Link. I'm a casual fan of LOZ, but I might get it strictly based on it being so iconic. I might get it over the summer.
Really happy with Figma Guts.





Versus Red Ranger :lol



Guts with his backup dancing trio.

Nice Figmas. Regular Guts looks like a smaller version of the Medicom, not too bad. Any plans of getting the Figma Link?
I'm still thinking about getting him as well but damn tat tunic...and the people who defend it.
Great additions, Pliss. It's just like they are pouring in week by week.

I like Akuma alot, but not feeling it from this one. Planning to get Ryu & Ken as well?
Wow, I really like that Akuma!
Great job on the poses! Looks to be a lot of fun posing him :)