Snake Plissken's Collection

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Thanks man. Yep I am, I bought one from Pete and I get it Monday!


Then it's just a waiting game for points to clear before I get a full BD version of the 238. I'm going to have to get regular true type stands to fit all 8 of them on that shelf since the DX stands and 238 stands take up too much real estate.
Sealed in the brown shipper, you can't beat that ****. I'll gladly spend a little extra on that. I'm still waiting on the **** head on eBay to give me my money back. :impatient:
I never buy from EBAY anymore. Too many liars saying sh it is in good shape when it's not. Sealed in the shipper is where it's at man. Fellow Freaks taking care of one another is why this community rocks :hi5:
Yeah I'll never buy a used figure off eBay ever again. I bought my first Tech Noir off here and I'm happy with it, and I'm sure I'll be even happier with a MIB figure :lol I did not expect to get it so fast, Monday is just around the corner.

I was worried about it getting delayed after the Holiday next week.
I mean I didn't expect it to get really hung up since he's only a state away from me, but damn :lol

It's always good to deal with someone who literally fires it out of a cannon at you after you pay them. :rotfl
He already took the money to buy another MMS238 :lol

I don't like letting people wait when they buy from me, since I've always been on the other end of it dying for it to be shipped. And if it doesn't cost much more, I go out of pocket to ship it a faster method.
Yeah, I have 2 of them still sitting in the box :monkey3 It's a great looking figure, but I have been lagging lately. I'm in Terminator mode right now :lol

The stands will look cool, but too pricey for me.
Talking about me behind my back I huh fellas, lucky for you guys it all good things:lol

Greetings :lol
