Mark, been catching up on some reading in this forum (still overwhelmed by everything as newbs usually are), and I just have to say, I found the story of your surgery in the wake of your stroke, and the subsequent amount of awesome work you've cranked out so very inspiring! I had a PFO when I was in my teens that was detected during a routine checkup. For those unfamiliar with it, PFO stands for Patent Foramen Ovale; the foramen ovale is a hole between the atria of the heart, a normal part of human development for babies still in the womb. It usually seals by birth, but for a small number of us, it remains open or 'patent'. In these instances, it usually causes a harmless murmur and seals by age 20 or so. For an even smaller number of people, that doesn't happen and may need to be closed via surgery, which is what I'm assuming you had done, Mark? (See, my nursing classes are paying off! ;->) I was lucky in that mine sealed on its own, but I do remember how afraid I was as a teen having a "hole in my heart" and knowing it could lead to eventual health problems if it didn't seal itself. I am absolutely hoping for the best for you - you were the first person to welcome me to the forums, so I have a warm fuzzy spot for ya!
As for the snowtrooper suit and armor, I am definitely interested! Oy, I'm starting to load up my plate with potential customs I want to work on this Summer - just about got the outfit parts together to bash together a M'iiyoom Ornith thingamathing. I have a few ideas, we'll see how they pan out. Still hung up on what to use for a holster, I'm trying to emulate the look of that boxy looking holster on the 3 3/4" Hasbro figure, but haven't encountered anything out there that really has the right flavor...might have to get creative on that one...hmmm