Snow Corporation

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Still desperately waiting for some snowtrooper parts, how long till you recast those?
Edit: Will pm you on this ...
hahaha Gent I am NOT casting any Snow parts yet haahh I just could not coup with more stuff hahah its my hobby not my job (at the moment :) and I am really enjoying doing my stuff.

I will do sets of SnowArmour but I am not happy with some bits and I want to get the outfit right first so we can offer the whole lot in one go. I also want to redo the chest plate to get it more like the trooper...

Is there a waiting list to get stuff done dorgmal? Not on that list but could think of a few things purty pulease. :D

Plenty of credits from my old days in smuggling spice.
I am looking forward to getting these heads! If you ever need anything Mark, just let me know. I got some sewing skills if you need anything.
I am looking forward to getting these heads! If you ever need anything Mark, just let me know. I got some sewing skills if you need anything.

oww that could be cool man.... another board member is doing the Snowtrooper suits, but I have been thinking about a cape/cloak for one of the marines!! I may seek your help my friend.
Now to me a thread with out pics is like a cheese sandwhich with out the pickle! or a cuppa tea with out biscuit or a toilet with out a seat...

so here are some pics... :) still a lot of bits to do :)

Mark, let me say that you are one helluva guy. All the stuff you do for people just blows my mind. Where do you find the time to do stuff for yourself? :)

Bravo mate and thanks. Just dont wear yourself out. :)
GOOD GOD Mark, I thought the painted WH40K Marines were impressive, seeing them and also 4 lots of casted layed out, that`s amazing.

Also I`d like to echo Chris with his comments of how great you are for the community mate and you have me puzzled too as to where you find the time.
I have a hard enough time just trying to find time to do anything this end.
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I cannot agree more even for FNG's you have been more than helpful. Will wait till the second list comes round for the young Kenobi heads not in any rush mate.
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Oww soz sean :) added that now
1.BIG GUY sent
2.Unsung Hero sent
3.sithlord13 Cast and waiting to be painted
4.cadaver202 sent
5.V.Venom sent
6. Darth Kearnivorous sent

1.BIG GUY sent
2.sithlord13 cast and waiting to be painted
3.cadaver202 sent
4.V.Venom sent

Kimo... Angry Emperor, Obi and returned 2 cathod sabers sent

Shane.. 2 clone heads, clone binocs, dc pistol sent

Sithlord 2 of Matts R4 heads sent

Andre pauldron and pistol holsters to be cast

Verbal Thire parts, cast and waiting to be painted

mah45 Indiana hatted and unhatted cast and half painted

Elvis.... powerfist and all that jazz nearly done.

Ron Marines being cast

Wanderer marine being cast

clparker04 smirking han sent

Cbob marine bits!

Bobamike Hammerhead bits :) -to cast

FEROZE.... I am your slave....:panic:

Spacecrawler marmit tie pilot parts- to cast

PLEASE PLEASE if I have missed any one please say :)

so everybody has been fed, son, dog, cat and wife.... palyed with Liam (well stole his long board :) got Mr Snow lots of flowers and now they are all in bed... so plastic PORN time owwww nurse!!!!!

wanted to paint up one of the mini shrunken clone heads for my marine.....
THEY ARE SO DINKY but they have to be to get the scale right for the armour as Adeptus Astartes, Space Marines are about 7-8' tall which would mean I would have to use my only Predator figure and remake all the armour..... cbob taked me out of that :) thanks mate.

hahhahah Barryo YOU KNOW that I did not say I would build you a skiff, I said dont be tryin your jedi mind tricks on me!!!! BUT when I finish the snowspeeder... and made a new landspeeder... I will definitely make a Desert skiff.... it has to be done.

The tiny head is not finished yet still a few bits to do but it looks ok... the stud on the head means he is a Veteran...
