Ahhh right well seems like a while since I have posted holidays always knock my brain out and I still have not quite got my brain back into dollie mode....
But I wanted to do some sort of step by step marine puty togethery type thingy wingy type sort of thing... soooo
first thing is cleaning the parts, its always important to have clean bits... nurse sponge please...
the casting process leaves buts that need to be sanded and dremeled although I do try to limit this..
now here is a picture of my equipment.... (this is sounding like double entendre carry on night)
my cheap dremel with a grinder on and some 80 grit paper on me old sander....
Use the sander to sand off the back plate, base of shoulder pads and the chest, buttocks, and any thing else that sticks out...
once that is done use the dremel for any other hard to reach bits.
Areas you may want to get a good seeing to....
Thighs! Now I spend ages thinning the thighs to get the armour to sit up as high as possible. the other alternative is to sand down the thighs on the body... this can be a bummer as the plastic of the body can melt and get a bit sticky.. and no one like sticky thighs... well except Mary... she rubs jam on hers I hear.
next up is the feet.
Now please remember to dremel in an open area such as a field or football pitch... the fine dust is a KILLER and it gets every chuffin where. (Remember that Chakaman)
Always wear a mask (it like my Robin one best)
Always wear eye protectors
I also recommend ear defenders... I still have a wee bit of tinnitus from my drumming days so I aways wear them and it makes me feel more manly to.
Also make sure you have had a wee and got keen pants on incase you have an acident and have to go to hospital...
Now the feet.... originally the armour was made to go on a TT slim afro which has the same foot pegs as the SS troopers... but those bodies are now hards to get and redicularsely pricey... like Mary
so I drill a hole about 10mm of 9.5mm through the foot as I am gonna use the HT ball joint... remove the foot from the socket any way you can... a couple of warm spoons a big ol hammer or just cut it apart with a razor saw and pliers.
I have also dremeled it out a wee bit to.. this allows shed loads more movement and you now how I love to play with my dollies.
Also you can see I have ground off some area at the top and front and back to allow even more movement.
I just glued or milliputted the ball joints right into the boot after drilling it out some. That way you still have foot movement but tbh yours would work better.
Oh i just finshed my Ultramarine, I've spent nearly 50hrs on this sucker lol.
Great tutorial mate. Thanks for scolding me in the "dremmel outside" section. That is OUTSTANDING advice by the way. I still am cleaning up dust from that one incident.
NOw the abs... you can thin them down if you want... I do... not because they need it but to cut down the weight. The first marine I made was more than twice the weight....
If the armour does not line up... then pop it in some warm water... maybe whilst you are in the bath if there is enough room, and you can reshape the resin as it goes quite floppy (nasty word) when it gets warm.
then I am just holding it in place with a wee dram of tape.
Right well I will quickly bosh these up.... the hands are tacked on with smurf pooh at the mo and the rest of the armour is on.... next will be attaching the hands
then spraying
then sticking together
Abs belt
Head on
back pack
roll in the hay and ow the chest emblem...
i like the white color. i would like to see you guys take a stab at a white base color & whatever color accent. black & white would be cool but maybe too much like a stormtrooper but that might look kind of cool too....