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Damn I envy you wish I could do casting like that amazing work buddy. As for the paint I was have you tried taking a part/piece of the clone down to the local paint store and getting it matched?

I did it once for a figure I was doing and got them to match it and they did a mix I wanted and put in a small jar and it was perfect.

Hey Mark,

Could you show the molds for the armor? I'm wondering if you use push molds for the armor pieces, especially for the forearm and leg armor.

Your Sabers will be in the post tomorrow.

owww no the armour is not cast !!! just the helms.... I always wanted to cast the armour but I think the moulds would be a real drag... and it would still be no cheaper than buying bits from TA in fact they may be more. But I would LOVE to have a go... just to see if its possible.

Ron... top idea about the colour matching :)
Crap Mark are you located on the planet KAMINO?

Taun We and Dorgs, both pinheaded deviants, both accused of crimes against clones...ever seen them in the same room together?
no? that's right, they're one in the same, an alien ****-dude.

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I bet he does a squeek and a windy pop at the half way point just like any truly decent Banjo diggler does, as i hear it's very demanding with all the twanging and finger pointing.
I hear he unloads a batch of cholocate logs at the climax of his banjo opera, then casts the batch in bronze. He calls them his Clone Poopers......drum roll, cymbals....tumbleweed
See, I get distracted with superfluous "work" for a day or two, and I get behind on all kinds o' crazy goodness! Lesse:

Didn't know that they made the stap in 1/6th - will have to hunt that baby down sometime! One of my fave scenes from the otherwise underwhelming "Clone Wars" movie is Anakin hopping from STAP to STAP, chopping off droid's noggins. I'm thinking a CW deco'ed STAP would be a lovely way to display the otherwise underwhelming CW General Skywalker (at least try to make the dude resemble Hayden Christensen, SS!)!

A Clone Commando would absolutely rock my little world, Dorgs!! Whenever you have the time (love that they made these guys cannon by including them in the CW series! The game ate up entirely too much of my time playing it, and was great fun...)

Dorgie is Taun We?? Eh, not surpsised. I'm know to sometimes moonlight as Wat Tambor from the Techno Union - the mu mu hides a multitude of sins.

The banjo distresses me, however. Banjo, to my mind, means "Deliverance", which is not a happy thought. Put down the Banjo and pick up a clone trooper, Mark...

Oh! I see you did! Several, as a matter of fact...Neyo! Oh, love this helm, I'm a big fan of the clones who gunned down their Jedi oppressors - is that wrong of me??

Excellent color-match on Cody's troops: THANK YOU for the hint on the colors, would have got the orange on my own, the khaki would have escaped me. Utapau is lookin' fine!

Elis Helrot - he IS deceptively hard to paint, ain't he? It's getting the red and blue washes to look right against the off-white. I wish I hadn't needed the final wash of skull white/bleached bone, it knocked my other washes back a bit too much, but was necessary to color-correct his head. Live and learn...still trying to come up with a flippin' tabbard for this guy, then he'd essentially be finished!

Good stuff, my friend, good stuff!:clap
Well I have not made any progress on the troops yet as I have been way to distracted with other jollies and dollies :)

But I will get cracking..

in the mean whilst heres some dollie pics :)



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