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Ah moist spleendidio!!!

Looking forward to seeing em :)

Well today I got a Leia hoth and I thought great, rip her head off pop a leia bounty on and away we go.. BUT WAIT!!!!

Have you seen the sculpt!! Its great!! So with a weee paint job I think she is here to stay....

two before and two after.

Hope you guys can see the difference.

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Hey Dorgs
It may just be me, but her pupils look a little big and it may be throwing the whole thing off for me. If you look at Luke's eyes behind, they are way smaller, you almost see the whole circle. Unless you're working off a reference pic, maybe a little more white showing in those peepers. I'd say 1/2 way in between Luke and what she looks like now. I'll be curious to see if others agree, or if they tell me I'm off my rocker.

Still, this is gonna be killer once you're done!!
Cheers G I will send you a vest and a Tie box tomorrow mate.

Jeff I think you could be right. The only bit I have not repainted is the eyes was hoping that they would be ok. What do you guys think on the sculpt? I think its great for Hasbro.
Nice one mate :) I popped some extra bits in :)/

Got my bits to Start WWII Capt A. But not happy with the jacket, I will gas to you later on msn about what you think when u get back from work mate.
Ok m8 cool, i just got the hair off the gambit head will sculpt that up later but damm it was hard getting it off lol. i'll get the head done, mask done and the shield finished this weekend and send it off on monday for ya.

I got another 2 TT's and a Gambit head (im such a bad bunny) cos it fits so well in the tomy helmet like your one does and looks great :) I forgot how nice the tomy helms are and comparing it to the fighter pilot helm i have it is about the same size, its just the padding inside that makes it smaller. It'll get some uber weathering and maybe a minor repaint though.
I like what you did with the hair too, are you going to dye the vest? The sculpt on Hoth Leia is actually pretty decent, the factory paint hides pretty well though. I'll have to dig mine out and takes a pic.
Right next stage is to sort the gloves. So I have cast up the marmit AT AT ones as they are my fav.. they are a pain to cast but its so worth it.

I have also recast the Luke head as I think I will use it at some stage on my Jedi Luke and probably the Endor Luke one day.


I have also chopped up a TaunTaun I bought all broken. I want to fill all the joint like some of the guys did with the dewbacks.

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Cheers mate yeah the gloves are a winner for me. I know some folks love screen accurate stuff, but hey if if looks good I love it, if it tastes good I'll eat it, if it sounds good I'll listen to it well as long as it gotta bit kick arse banjo and not too much meat in it... Nurse... nurse...
Hey I was thinking... I was reading the Snowspeeder thread and thought hey would it be cool just to have a questions and answers chit chat thread... I am always derailing threads and going off at right angles and talking pants far too much... speaking of pants..Nurse... nurse!

what do folks think?

We can chat about anything and everything ow and nothing.

If it all goes ****s up I can just delete the thread.
I'm all for the current system of derailing at will.:lol We're all big boys here and a little interruption in any given thread should be implied :banana

-If you take your "art" so serious, that it can't be sidetracked by a bunch of 35-45 year old men that play with action figures, post on a museum forum.
-Chatting for the sake of chatting is what Facebook is for!!

Good thought, King of detrails, but 1 vote for "as is"
LOL well I am all in for de-railing I think I used to have a badge for de-railing, especially when DarthGothikus was about... Ahh I miss him.
Where's he at BTW? He was the first dude who pm'd me when I started. I'm not sure if I should miss him, or if I should send him the bill for all the crap I've bought since then since he made me feel so welcome:lol
I am afraid he slipped to the darkside... joined another forum and started collecting different figures. We were so similar and spent far too much time on the boards, we were both graphic designers, same age even went on holiday to norfolk, only to find he had also gone on holiday to norfolk and was staying 20mins down the road :(
Too funny. Well, if you speak to Mr. Colin anytime soon, give him an American "Cheers" for me (even if he went to the Dark Side). His sense of humor and skills are missed.

So, if we're done with the Oprah crap, do you have a dead Tauntaun with a scratch and sniff split open belly yet? It's been at least 45 minutes.
Oww that was what I thought would be cool with it as it was all broken up. But maybe one day....
Just sprayed up the first cantina chair and making some bits for the snowspeeder
Some great work on your Hoth figures... I'd agree about Leian though, she needs a bit more white to her eyes. Right now she looks like she's on an acid trip :lol