TheJosh, I think we are both making the same point (mostly). I understand all that stuff. Personally, the one and only reason I collect is for the 'art' of it, because I'm a huge geek for some of these characters and am just in awe of the artwork and am excited to own it. Example.. I don't care if there were 6 billion copies of the 1/4 Alien Queen statue in the world, issued at birth to every human being... I'm still ECSTATIC to own one because it's a freaking amazing statue, the kind of Aliens piece that I've wanted since I was a kid! That is what makes collecting fun for me, there is product being produced today that I would have never DREAMED would be made in my geekiest of childhood dreams, and I couldn't care less how many are made, I'm just happy to be able to get one.

The day I start thinking about this stuff like a stock broker instead of a kid is the day I (hopefully) stop collecting. Again, I'm just speaking for myself, not putting down anyone who considers all the factors you mentioned. There's nothing wrong with that approach and I admit it's even a smart way of thinking for someone who is concerned with making money later. It's just not a philosophy I adopt myself. Anyway... Can't wait to get this Troll!