Curse you guys. I almost went weak and ordered this. Thankfully I regained strength as I was about to click 'place order'.
If you can swing it, I would strongly urge you to reconsider.
He's displayed in my office right now and I didn't bring my camera to work today 'cause he wasn't supposed to show up until tomorrow. I'll take some pics outside when I get home as long as it's stopped raining.
He's a rad piece, and I'm having the same issue as Drakul in that I constantly want to reorder this. Pretty sure with the edition size and beauty of the piece, he will be valuable in years to come. But, I just cannot let that drive my purchasing habits any more. Speculation. He's a beauty though, and if I were still in the maquette line, he would be a no brainer for sure.
Just don't like the green tinge still...
I wouldn't have even noticed the green except for the pics being posted. The camera must bring it out more, because in person it's hardy noticeable.
All I can say about this guy is......Pure Awesomeness!

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