Super Freak
Well with Xmas over, FINALLY and things are calmed down, 4 grandchildren will do that, I opened my Snow Troll and was speechless, the massiveness just blew me away and the detailing, even the dwarf was perfect, this should be a instant grail as it is that good and still up for sale! I had this in my spare room for since Thanksgiving but the holidays and space issue was a huge thing to over come. Gandalf on Shadowfax lost the battle and was put into his box for the first time since I got him, it was either the RWoS or GoS and I have a thing for the bad guys so......My only issue was after a detailed inspection I found a minor "fix" that was done on mine, part of the skin covering his shoulder was glued back on, I guess during inspection. I hate to ship it back but the $$$ paid for it it needs to be perfect, I am sure the person inspecting was like it is a small piece so what, but I am that much of a perfectionist that it will bug me, should I return it, such a hassle and such a HUGE item.......hmmmmmmm
Eagerly waiting to join the Snow Job club!

On a serious note though, if there is a damaged/ repaired piece that causes your eye or mind to be drawn to it each time, then replacement should always be pursued as it will really come to bug you on such a great piece as well as reduce the resale value if you don't replace it now