I think it came out great. Some pics make it look like a bobblehead, but it isn't.
Maybe it is the pose that rubs some the wrong way?
It looks cool but two things. one I wanted the EX version for that price.
Two: It looks like the Koto 1/6th one.
Personally I think its a pretty cool PF. If your a big SW fan I would get it. The Scout trooper sat around for a while before spiking in price as well.
Yep.it is kind of funny about the scout trooper. Most of us (including me) panned it is a lame rehash with an awful pose (insert toilet joke here) but my goodness he goes for a pretty penny now.
it is kind of funny about the scout trooper. Most of us (including me) panned it is a lame rehash with an awful pose (insert toilet joke here) but my goodness he goes for a pretty penny now.
Can anyone please advise what the discount code is
Very happy I could pick this up with the new code, great deal!!!
Going to look awesome in my Hoth display
wow! Is he able to make more? I would love to own both.