So, Is the Mynock worth 12 bucks?

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Super Freak
Sep 17, 2005
Reaction score
I find myself wondering that very question. I have all the exclusives up to this point. Never even considered the regular versions, as there were no places that really offered a savings worth the trouble and lack of accessories. However, I can get the regular version of the Han for 42 from a business sponsored here. The SS exc. version will cost 55 (shipping is about the same so it doesn't affect the equation). Now, I realize the Mynock is nicely sized and well detailed. However, I just cannot think of many display uses for him. Since I am an opener, it also isn't as much of a base value for evilBaying. So, is the Mynock worth the cash? Your opinions are welcome and wanted.
DouglasMcc said:
I find myself wondering that very question. I have all the exclusives up to this point. Never even considered the regular versions, as there were no places that really offered a savings worth the trouble and lack of accessories. However, I can get the regular version of the Han for 42 from a business sponsored here. The SS exc. version will cost 55 (shipping is about the same so it doesn't affect the equation). Now, I realize the Mynock is nicely sized and well detailed. However, I just cannot think of many display uses for him. Since I am an opener, it also isn't as much of a base value for evilBaying. So, is the Mynock worth the cash? Your opinions are welcome and wanted.

Dude, it's got a magnet!!! j/k

I think it is worth it, but you really have to decide for yourself. :monkey1
Secondary market says yes.

Don't care about secondary market as I am buying this to display and enjoy, not profit off of. So, for the openers, how do you plan to use/display the Mynock to make it worth the cash? Thanks for the replies so far.
Point is you have a item only 1999 other people have. That makes your collection a bit more unique than those that don't have the exclusive item.

I'll pay $12 for that.

As for display, I plan on having it suck on the headless body of Leia Buuuuuuuuush.
I think it is as well. For the 12" stuff I won't get anything but the exclusives. I like the little items that they come with even if I don't use them in my display.
I actually plan on displaying it next to my Code 3 Falcon. I'm just not sure how yet. It might be funny to stick it right on there!
I summer in Majorca where I keep my Porsche's. I am talking about my Winter cottage in Peru. :cool:
I think its worth it... its a pretty cool accessory, and the truth is if you really don't like it you can(even though thats not your intent) still easily sell an opened exclusive for you cost or more if you decide later its not your thing. But, for me if I already have it on pre-order, you might as well keep it and decide if you like it once its in hand.
I think it's one of the better exclusives and a keeper. I am in your same boat though, time to decide if that little excessory in all the 12" is worth the extra $10. Leia is an easy NO, but the rest that are on order are must haves.
Best to worst:

Qui-gon - poncho
Maul - damaged saber
Han - mynock
Jedi Luke - blaster
Mace - helmet
Bib - staff
Kit - driod head
Obi -Wan - blaster
Bouuch - blaster
Anakin - hologram
Jabba - cup
Crumb - bug

The first 2 I think are must haves, with the mynock right behind.
Entropy Chicken said:
Best to worst:

Qui-gon - poncho
Maul - damaged saber
Han - mynock
Jedi Luke - blaster
Mace - helmet
Bib - staff
Kit - driod head
Obi -Wan - blaster
Bouuch - blaster
Anakin - hologram
Jabba - cup
Crumb - bug

The first 2 I think are must haves, with the mynock right behind.
I'd go like this best to worst. However if you ranked them with importance to the character it would be different.

Maul - damaged saber
Han - mynock
Qui-gon - poncho
Bib - staff
Mace - helmet
Kit - driod head
Anakin - hologram
Jedi Luke - blaster
Obi -Wan - blaster
Bouuch - blaster
Jabba - cup
Crumb - bug
How does Lukes blaster rank higher than OB1's? OB1 actually used it to kill, Luke just pointed it and instantly lost it.
How does Lukes blaster rank higher than OB1's? OB1 actually used it to kill, Luke just pointed it and instantly lost it.

That's his personal list. Maybe that blaster or the character of Luke means more to him than they do to you. I would place Jango's helmet higher, but that's my personal list. However, after the way they neutured Grevious in the movie (no way that's the same Sith wannabe who killed 5 Jedi, then bested Shaak Ti and her companions ... Obi should at least have had a tougher time disarming 4 lightsabers... )

I know it seems I am trying to be a smarta## every time I reply to your post Evi, but its a coincidence... really :monkey3