So who's buying the $18,000 Darth Vader bronze?

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Do you really think someone who has $18,000 to blow on a Vader statue would have a problem fitting it into their collection?

Yes, because if you have that much to spend it would probably only look good next to the solid gold toilet... and being 1/2 scale next to a full scale crapper would be just weird :lol
yeah im going to get one, 18 000 SS points if i buy it! :D
I think if your paying that much you should be able to have SS do Vader in any pose you wanted, I would go for him holding his ****s!
I've got 3 on order. One will stay as is, then I want one to be repainted in faux style bronze (cause it looks so much better), and the other one painted black (panther black).
I think it will look great if I place my Frames (I've got 3 of those as well) in front of every one of them.
Perhaps if I have one in the grand hall entrance, one in the family library and one in the house museum, mama and papa will share the same enthusiasm.
I pray that they make a similar bronze statue of Lukas himself... oh how lovely would that be!
I saw this piece at SDCC. its not that impressive in person, only about 4' and looks kinda cheap. The sideshow bronze was much better at half the price, and SS is not the only ones trying to sell this item. there is only 6 though so who ever gets one: a) they have to much money to blow, b) they have a place to display it, c) we hate those people, and if i had that much to spend it wouldn't be on this chocolate Easter bunny reject.

p.s. Sideshow is not the maker of this statue, they are only resellers. Sideshow sculpts would have been better than that.
I'm sure Steve Sansweet will have 1... As to who else, beats me...
I saw this piece at SDCC. its not that impressive in person, only about 4' and looks kinda cheap. The sideshow bronze was much better at half the price, and SS is not the only ones trying to sell this item. there is only 6 though so who ever gets one: a) they have to much money to blow, b) they have a place to display it, c) we hate those people, and if i had that much to spend it wouldn't be on this chocolate Easter bunny reject.

p.s. Sideshow is not the maker of this statue, they are only resellers. Sideshow sculpts would have been better than that.

I thought the Sideshow one looked better as well... seemed more dynamic. The thing this has going for it is size. And honestly a 4' bronze, while impressive is kinda dumb. Might a well go full size at that point.
I think I figured out what this statue reminds me of... the old SW soap bottles from the 80's :lol

I think I figured out what this statue reminds me of... the old SW soap bottles from the 80's :lol


ROFL , OMG You so nailed that one. :lol They pantographed the Vader soap bottle, so that makes it a $18000 bath soap bottle that looks like a chocolate Easter Bunny.
I think even Bill Gates passed on this one. The sculpt is boring. Can't you get a 1:1 scale lit up Vader suit/prop for considerably less than $18k?
I think for $18 grand, Lucas should deliver it personally. Then that might be worth the $100 shipping charge they are asking you to pay. That's just greedy. I wouldn't mind paying $100 so I can smack Lucas with a Jar-Jar toy though.
ROFL , OMG You so nailed that one. :lol They pantographed the Vader soap bottle, so that makes it a $18000 bath soap bottle that looks like a chocolate Easter Bunny.

Chocolate Darth Vader :drool :drool

But its only $17,100 after you get your rewards points... that's a deal.