Solo: A Star Wars Story

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Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Lucasfilm deserves all the **** it gets if the film bombs. I HATE this arrogance they have now cruising along with the name and little quality to back it up.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

This will perform as well or under what RO did. RO had Vader which peaked the interest of many people. I'm not sure this will have the same draw. Then again, I've been wrong on many occasions.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Variety is reporting that Disney is spending millions to add a bunch of warrior-like wolves for the Chinese release in addition to enhanced "rom-com" banter between Han and his ex played by Emilia Clarke.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Variety is reporting that Disney is spending millions to add a bunch of warrior-like wolves for the Chinese release in addition to enhanced "rom-com" banter between Han and his ex played by Emilia Clarke.

They should CGI in a young Harrison Ford for the entire movie just for China. He's more attractive than the new Han.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Disney is spending millions to add a bunch of warrior-like wolves for the Chinese ...

They realizes the crystal foxes didn't work, huh? Maybe they should just put a dragon in. Bet you they do.

Bet you they add Boba Fett riding his Holiday Special dragon.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Variety is reporting that Disney is spending millions to add a bunch of warrior-like wolves for the Chinese release in addition to enhanced "rom-com" banter between Han and his ex played by Emilia Clarke.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Yeah, the foxes were not the problem with TLJ.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

I'm convinced that at some point during the movie, Han is gonna say "I have a good feeling about this" right before something goes horribly wrong, thus leading to his iconic phrase.

It seems so in line with what we have seen in the Disney Star Wars movies, and it's bad, so it's definitely going to happen.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Actually did anyone say "I have a bad feeling about this" in TLJ? It seems like RO might have semi-retired the phrase when Jyn and Cassian shushed K-2. Unless I'm mistaken we've also gone two films now with no Wilhelm scream (thank God.)
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Actually did anyone say "I have a bad feeling about this" in TLJ? It seems like RO might have semi-retired the phrase when Jyn and Cassian shushed K-2. Unless I'm mistaken we've also gone two films now with no Wilhelm scream (thank God.)

Nope... No one uttered that line at all in TLJ.. Why keep a 40 year old, 8 movie tradition going?? Rian wants everything his way, and Kennedy is on board with her boy & yes man. Oh, Disney, so sad....

The Wilhelm scream is something many directors have done as a homage to film as it's been used since it's 1st recording in 1951. It's a tradition. Many directors insert it to keep the tradition going. Rian Johnson doesn't follow tradition. He's above that and better than all the directors that have come before him. I guess your not really a film fan if you think it's stupid. My son once noticed it and asked me and I told him the story behind the sound. He now looks for it in every action movie we/he watches. It's a fun easter egg. Sorry you don't approve, especially since you actually think TLJ is a fun movie.

And yes, it is in RO.... "There is a 'Wilhelm Scream' found at the start of the Rebel Attack on Jedha. A grenade is thrown in front of the armored transport, followed by a number of Stormtroopers being shot (timestamp 00:31:20). During that initial gunfight you can hear the start of the classic 'Wilhelm Scream' but cut short by gunfire." Gareth Edwards actually cared enough to keep the tradition going.
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Actually did anyone say "I have a bad feeling about this" in TLJ?

Yes ... from a certain point of view. BB-8's first words to Poe right before they attack the Dreadnought translate into "I have a bad feeling about this".
Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)

Yes ... from a certain point of view. BB-8's first words to Poe right before they attack the Dreadnought translate into "I have a bad feeling about this".

Yeah, I think I read that somewhere to, but I don't believe it, nor do I feel it counts. That's just a cheap cop-out and damage control yet again by Johnson on this sad addition of a SW movie.. With that explanation, BB-8 could've uttered it at many points in the film. It's another "see everything makes perfect sense after it's explained" moment by Johnson.