Super Freak
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Jabba definitely had his way with her.
You dont put a girl in a slave bikini and not do things...
The question is, was it only jabba or did the others joined?
If you're into that whole "alpha" "beta" nonsense, I'm surprised you like Solo. Wouldn't he be a "Gamma" male? Also, do you read a lot of "How To" books on how to pick up women? Most "alpha" talk comes from people who read about getting laid. If you struggle in that area, you should try inanimate objects, like what Lando does. Maybe try one of those trash bins outside of McDonalds. If someone tries to stop you, tell them you're pretending it's a Gonk Droid, that Lando (probably) does it, and that they need to get woke.
Just make sure you get the trash can's permission first. Non-verbal cues are as important as verbal consent. #BinsToo
Hah. When you're in the game there always room to perfect it. The little details go a long way. The difference between getting laid the first or 3rd date. Moving on.
Boba Fett CONFIRMED had a crush on Han Solo and thats why he followed him so much....
it wasnt the money, he was IN LOVE WITH HIM
thats why hes all pissed in empire, he was Jealous of LEIA!!!!!!!!
What I want to know, is whether or not Lando thought Solo was more attractive while frozen in carbonite... Especially seeing as he was stuck making that angry Blow Up Doll face. Also, if you have sex with the outer carbonite shell while someone is trapped inside it, does it count as "sexual impropriety"? I mean, if there's no direct contact it's kind of like a tree falling in the forest, with no one around to hear it. That's not even a Louis CK-level impropriety. Personally, I think it's ok. However, it's definitely a grey area that Disney should explore. They could make a "lost years" film about Lando's relationship with Carbonite Han inside Jabba's palace. It'd be like a pansexual Brokeback Mountain in space... The stuff Oscars are made of.
it could just be a short for the new blu ray release of Solo.
a short 25 minute clip with the actors and how Boba tries to open up part of the carbonite shell (just enough) and how he figures out a way to have his fun without waking Han
...But then Lando catches him before the impropriety, and teaches Boba an important justice lesson about consent. You can have sex on the Carbonite, but direct contact is too Cosby-esque. Then, Lando, Boba and Carbonite Han can have a three-way! They can call it...
Jesus... This writes itself
No WONDER Kathleen Kennedy is having so much fun with these stories. Imagine the ones she cant make because they are too r rated
But those guys playing sports DO mean something with it.
You said it was a bonding thing right? Bonding with ur teammate?
There iS meaning behing grabbing the butt of your teammate
The team is so close, bonded so strongly that they grab butts and call baby
Lando JUST MET han.... literally they meet in this movie..
What bonding did they have prior ? They arent friends yet.....
You SEE the problem with your analogy.....
You literally proved lando is flirting with han....
Why are u so in denial of his flirting? Why are u fighting so much
U cant accept it?
Boba Fett CONFIRMED had a crush on Han Solo and thats why he followed him so much....
it wasnt the money, he was IN LOVE WITH HIM
thats why hes all pissed in empire, he was Jealous of LEIA!!!!!!!!
Again... I don't know how many times I have to say it before you will hear... I was NOT making an argument about the possible sexual connotation, or toe possible lack there of, regarding any possible inference in Lando's quote. As I said, I have not seen the movie and I have no idea that this scene takes place when they "just met" or any other possible contextual consideration. My example was only to demonstrate that your assertion that there is no situation where a man would say baby to another man without it being sexual is not true. That does not mean that Lando's comment automatically wasn't sexual - I don't know. I HAVEN'T SEEN THE MOVIE; that is why I was asking about it.
You're instance that my point was about proving Lando wasn't being sexual is not based on anything I said- you are arguing with yourself. My only point is, I would not assume, AS YOU DID, that just because he said "baby" he was sexually interested in Han Solo. Are you saying that is part of the story? That Lando has the hots for Han? All based on this one line?
But let's look at your argument here where you say I somehow "literally prove" Lando is flirting.... "literally?" really? "prove"? To quote Inigo Montoya in regard to your use of those words, "I do not think it means what you think it means."
Sooooooo... you somehow go from "male bonding" to "flirting" because they haven't become good friends yet? Are you saying that Lando waiting for his relationship to be closer to Han before he said "baby" would make it "less gay"? What? I think you over estimate the "male bonding" going on as if all these sports players participate in these cultural sports behaviors out of some sort of closeness with their teammates; as if they are all close friends and their "closeness" is what invites the butt slaps. Or you think Al Davis yelling out to every man in the Raider Locker room "Just Win Baby" is because he was such close friends with all the players. In 2012 Phil Bourque, an announcer for the NHL Pittsburgh Penguin's, exclaimed in call during a game "Buckle up Baby" and Penguin fans say it all the time to one another without anyone thinking they mean anything sexual about it- OR without being "close friends" first. You keeps looking for some sort of meaning of intimacy (sexual or "friendship") to justify the word "baby" when it doesn't have to have either- in sports it is just a thing - it doesn't "mean" everyone are close friends.
And, to move out of the sports arena, I once knew this Jazz musician that just called everyone "baby"; it was just like something he said. "yeah baby, good set!" "Stay cool baby" he would say to almost anyone without any sexual connotation at all, or without being "bonded" as "friends"; it was just the way he talked- as if "baby" was the way he would sometimes end a sentence. Maybe Lando is being like that? But before you go crazy on me as if that is my position, I said "maybe". Again, I haven't seen the movie.
Bottom line though, I am not in denial about Lando flirting with Han, I don't have a position- I haven't seen the movie to have an opinion. I was asking about the nature of interchange and if that what was what people considered "flirting". I am actual engaging in this topic with an open mind; I don't have a position to defend, I am just exploring and asking about the possibilities and wondering about what the actual facts are in regard to what the characters did or said? The only thing I reject is your absurd assumption that universally a man can't say "baby" without meaning something sexual. Why are you in denial about conceding to that one simple point - it only means what it means and does not "prove" one way or the other what Lando may have, or may not have meant when he said "Buckle up baby". Stop arguing in terms of all or nothing.
It’s funny you said Boba Fett CONFIRMED and the movie was confirmed just mere minutes later..
(And hopefully not based on the screenplay you two are writing)
It’s funny you said Boba Fett CONFIRMED and the movie was confirmed just mere minutes later..
(And hopefully not based on the screenplay you two are writing)