I agree as well, but I think the real failure with this movie was not the direction or the director(s) or KK for that matter in regard to the creative. Whomever made the decision to 1) change SW midstream to the summer tent pole season was just stoopid. If that was her, then that’s ON her. Bad business decision that has nothing to do with any political angle. 2) The anthology movies should just about be ONLY fan service vehicles. No one was asking to replace Han nor for his origin story, at least not the base. Another bad business decision to do an art project instead of going right for the jugular and hitting Obi Wan, especially going up against Deadpool! I think if she could have kept the expectations low and the budgets relatively low, this would have been a winner along the lines of Ant man, Dr Strange or the first Guardians movie. Again, ravaging fans weren’t begging for a Han Solo movie, don’t make it more than what it could possibly ever give.
The conversation about “what’s wrong with Star Wars” has taken a wrong turn because of all this blustering YouTube mess. Star Wars is better than this and we shouldn’t let these folks speak for everyone. Go see it for yourself. Take the little kid that you were all those years ago and stop looking at it through your extra critical adult eyes. Using that lens tears even the OT to shreads as it surely is 70/80s sophisticated. I would say to her and her team as I’m saying to all of us, let’s not let what’s happening in the real world, happen to Star Wars. She should hear that, but maybe these youtubers aren’t the ones who should be delivering the message.