What a great thread...
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Hello, rmmarj
My name is Mark Sanderson. I’m the human resources department manager of “Business software Pro”. I have looked through your resume at and think you can be one of the candidates for the position we offer.
Our company “Zurich Gruppe (Deutch Division)” is seeking for Financial Services Commercial Account Manager:
Responsibilities include: Handle current commercial accounts, basic computer skills to track day to day activity, expand client data base assets management, simple management activities.
$35.000 - $50.000 USD
There is no start up fees, no training fees. NOTHING – this is what you have to pay before and even during work with us. All the expanses you make we will 100% returned to you (when the receipts are provided).
We would love to see you among our team. Please, let us know as soon as possible, because we need the person for this position immediately.
If you're interested send your full name, phone number, age to: [email protected]
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Auto.desk Aut.ocad 2007 $129
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