Sony Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)

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If this was part of the MCU jye would gushing over it like a school girl and saying how amazing it is that we could even get an animated SM movie in this day and age or something. :lol :chase

I bet ya Snikt loved this movie.

Nah it wasn’t the hard R movie franchise he kept spouting. It was a fun family movie. I remember that fool said Spider-Man would be in venom and that the movie would dive into the mind of Eddie Brock and be super dark. Lol

Just like his silly TLJ predictions they all fell flat
Does the animation play better on the big screen? I can't imagine how it would. The TV spots all look weird like the frames are skipping or something. It seems like that'd be pretty headache inducing for 90 straight minutes.
Nope it’s all like that lol

I won’t deny it that it’s a cool looking movie almost derailed by that blurry background which is the bigger problem than the missed frames.

I will say that when Peter Parker is on screen the movie comes to life. Spiderman from MM universe is a serious bad ass I wanted more of him dammit!

I certainly didn’t hate MM but whatever I already got my Spiderman I don’t need another one that GOES INVISIBLE ughhh sigh

What was Invisible Woman not good enough Marvel you had to giver her powers to Spiderman 2.0

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I always wondered why they gave him invisibility and shock powers too. Can spiders actually do that?
That wasn't just a regular spider that bit him. That bite changed Spidey down to the DNA level. Invisibility and shock powers just mean that bite affected MM differently than it affected PP.
For those of you who read to Ultimate comics, I think many will again that you learn to love Miles. I thought Bendis did a really good job at making him Spider-Man, given the events that transpired. I really enjoyed his run.

I felt the movie did him justice as well.
Same questions I keep asking. How is he always involved with Spider-Man films when he almost killed the franchise? Why does he always wanna involve himself with Spider-Man? He’s awful and needs to go
I liked Miles in the Ultimate Comics, but I did not care for this movie. I did not like the weird animation or the silly other Spider-people and the story just dragged for me.
I thought the film was OK

Loved the first 15 min.. I thought I was going to have a blast.. But it got a bit boring.

Needed more Nick Cage :lol

Was not in love with the animation style.

IMO this was a direct to video quality movie and not a theatrical release.

It was OK but not even close to top 10 of the year like I have been seeing on some critics lists.
I liked Miles in the Ultimate Comics, but I did not care for this movie. I did not like the weird animation or the silly other Spider-people and the story just dragged for me.

If Khev doesn’t agree with us we always have BoosterGold06 on our side :yess:


I agree with your mini review but I have never read a MM comic.
:lol :lol

I don't see myself making time for this one. I still kind of want to see AM in IMAX again and then there's still Creed II, maybe Bumblebee and then this is the time of year I like to clear the palette by watching all the artsy late year releases (Queen of Scots, The Favourite, etc.) so that I can get myself psyched up for the new year's blockbusters.
:lol :lol

I don't see myself making time for this one. I still kind of want to see AM in IMAX again and then there's still Creed II, maybe Bumblebee and then this is the time of year I like to clear the palette by watching all the artsy late year releases (Queen of Scots, The Favourite, etc.) so that I can get myself psyched up for the new year's blockbusters.

Keep me up on the Artsy movies.. I will only give them a chance if someone I trust likes them..
Keep me up on the Artsy movies.. I will only give them a chance if someone I trust likes them..

Will do. I'm always hoping for another "2014" to come around. Boyhood, Birdman, The Theory of Everything, Whiplash, Grand Budapest Hotel, The Imitation Game. The artsy dramas were SO good that year.
I’m happy to see Hereditary making it into some top 10 liss llsts of the year. :yess:

Honestly I think they’ve topped themselves with horror movies I think they should jump into more scifi.
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