Super Freak
I know he's the main antagonist but I'm not sure I'd get the movie version. I'd love a Jeremy Irons Ozymandias.
Ozymandias and Silk Spectre are characters you get just because you have the rest of them. For me anyway
With the big line up movies I feel like you either get the 1-3 characters you really like to represent (depending on how many there are in the line) or you just suck it up and get the entire set. Like for Watchman, I’m at least getting Rorschach then I might get Nightowl. I wanted Comedian but with how he turned out, I’m not so sure. If I could somehow find a parted out HT head, then I probably would pull the trigger.
The SooSoo one looks a bit too exaggerated around the mouth especially where the cigar is sort of like a caricature to me. Not trying to hate on it. I look at it and want to like it but it just doesn’t look quite right to my eyes.Wow, I think Soosoo’s masked head sculpt looks way better than HT’s. There’s something a bit overly maniacal about the HT one. He’s got a crazed look in the eyes. By the same token, Soosoo’s unmasked Comedian head sculpt just looks goofy. Anyway, eventually we’ll get a comparison video to see. But I have a feeling that in-hand Soosoos’ Rorschach and Comedian are going to slay. Anyway, I can see many collectors only getting from among, say, Rorschach, Comedian, Nite Owl, and Doctor Manhattan though.
Damn straight. Far superior.I know he's the main antagonist but I'm not sure I'd get the movie version. I'd love a Jeremy Irons Ozymandias.
Damn straight. Far superior.
That would be cool to see. Sort of surprised SooSoo didn’t include a young Comedian headsculpt.Anybody has pics of the non produced hot toys young comedian headsculpt?
i think it was by Trevor grove or Andy Bergholtz.
That would be cool to see. Sort of surprised SooSoo didn’t include a young Comedian headsculpt.
Yes I believe that person was our very own @olbertfrog as the one who messaged SooSoo about the younger sculpt and flamethrowerAccording to a member of Soosoo Fans FB group he messaged Soosoo Admin and inquired about this and he says they are interested in providing one plus a flame thrower. They asked him to provide photos of the flame thrower from the movie, and he did so plus adding a bit of research from the Internet about flame throwers that were actually in use by US military during the Viet Nam era.
Yes I believe that person was our very own @olbertfrog is the one who messaged SooSoo about the younger sculpt and flamethrower
Or Ryan Reynolds Green LanternI wonder if they'll ever try Steppenwolf or Darkseid.