Greatest Person Ever
gg, Deak. PSN booted me for some reason and I couldn't get back on. 
I'll keep an eye out for ya.

I'll keep an eye out for ya.
Ugh, went to a party last night, and came homesick
. But, i'll be on tonight.
There are a ton of us!Let me clarify though. There are some that are weak and only have the Xbox or PS3. The really good gamers have them all. You may call them the Brotherhood.
Well, no more Gears for me for a while. Now I know why I took a break from it in the first place
I'll be sticking to this and Madden til Gears 2 comes out.
Just trying to get the achievements for gears now that there will be linked to the sequel
What do you mean linked?
You need to get on and play! Karma was playing GOW last night. It was just Josh, myself, and turkey. I also wish you could fill a room with more than 4 people.
Get on and play what? I was on until 1am last night...
Complete Act One in Gears Of War ------unlock a playable Anthony Carmine in Gears of War 2
Find 10 COG tags in Gears Of War ------unlock Minh Young Kim in Gears of War 2
Kill Raam in Gears Of War ------unlock a playable Raam in Gears of War 2
I think they'll be some good stuff for the achievements that are hard in gears 1