I suddenly find myself in a strange position with this thread.
I have never had any dealings with Shawn before now. I have only ever admired his work, from afar, as I have always made for myself whatever it was that he has produced for sale, so I didn't have to rely on him for any figures....but I have always admired the quality of his work, and so far, his rep u tation.
Here's where this is strange for me. The Batman & Robin cowl sculpt I just did, for another buddy, is now in the possession of Shawn, for the producing of a Clooney Batman for that friend, and perhaps for others in future. I am happy to have sculpted it, and hope to get one back in return for my troubles. And, if Shawn ever sells Clooney Bats out there, I hope my name is mentioned as the cowl sculptor. I assume it will be.
Please note that I didn't directly collaborate with Shawn in this matter, but I am not embarrassed that it has taken this turn either, as I do respect his work. And, I hope, any criticisms of him that any of you may harbor, won't carry over to me as a result of this, should any figures come of it.